Even though everyone is on their own skincare journey with different skin and different skin goals, some non-negotiables need to be included in every quest for healthy skin. Here’s some serious skin advice your mom didn’t teach you.

1.  Yessss, you need to cleanse your face at night even if you didn’t wear makeup. We often hear people try to justify skipping their PM skin routine because “I dOn’T wEaR mAkEuP” - this isn’t a good excuse. The only excuse we’ll take for not washing your face at night is because you had an evening facial treatment, AND WE CLEANSED YOUR FACE FOR YOU. No makeup/no cleanse isn’t a thing; it’s just a missed opportunity for healthier skin.

2.    Stop rubbing your eyes, it stretches your skin. We know you’re stressed and tired and so are we. But keep your hands off your face and try massaging your neck or your TMJ instead to relieve some tension. This will spare you from inflicting harm on the poor thin tissues around your eyes, which would just ultimately make you look more stressed and tired than you already are. (Find out how to improve the skin under your eyes even more here.)

3.    You know vitamin C protects your immune system when taken orally and ingested via foods that are high in vitamin C content. Welp, time to apply that same thought to the skin on your face. Yup, vitamin C applied topically protects the skin on your face against intrinsic and extrinsic aging factors. AND EVERY SINGLE PERSON’S FACE CAN BENEFIT FROM THIS. AT EVERY AGE. (Read about more vitamins we love for skincare here.)

4.  Look up! Yes up. Are you reading this on a device or a computer that may be situated too low? The constant looking down isn’t only bad for your neck alignment - it's also chronically crinkling the skin on the front of your neck, which is causing premature wrinkles even in teenagers! It’s called tech neck, look it up and then actually look up. And if you can't help yourself, at least put this on your neck. Then go wild on TikTok for as long as you’d like.

5.     To get your skin to function at its very best, regularly feed it vitamin A topically. Vitamin A (AKA retinol) in skincare works to turn over dead skin and increase collagen production. It can prevent abnormal cell growth that can lead to skin cancer, other skin irregularities, and aging. It comes in so many formats and strengths - we promise you there is one perfectly matched for your skin. No matter the skin type or condition you'll be able to find the Harry to your Meghan. Still perplexed on what the F is vitamin A though? Then read here.

6.   And finally, yes, you guessed it — no healthy skin tip list would be complete without (cue “ahhh” audio) SPF! Ninety percent of sun exposure comes from day-to-day life, so there are no ifs ands or buts about the need to wear sunscreen. The sun is absolutely the number one cause of aging, and skin cancer is preventable by taking precautions to avoid UVA/UVB exposure. Snow, rain or shine, Minnesota or Florida, just wear it. We know there's a lot of debate about the best kind, but for us, it's one you are willing to wear daily.

At Skin MPLS, we aren't exactly known for simplicity when it comes to our skincare regimens, but we are always about the fundamentals and don’t get caught up in fads. The skin we treat today is the skin we’ll have in the future. And before you splurge on products, tools, or injections/filler, make sure you are doing these very easy non-negotiables first.