Broadband Light Therapy (BBL Photofacial Treatment)
We offer two broadband light therapy treatments to correct uneven pigment in your skin, such as brown spots, sunspots, freckles, rosacea, visible capillaries, cherry angiomas, and post-inflammatory red spots left behind from pimples or other skin injuries.
Our correct60 (full BBL) treatment is a 60-minute session to treat your entire face, neck, and chest. Our correct25 (partial/spot BBL) treatment is a 25-minute session to address a partial area of your face or another location. Some examples are rosacea just across your cheeks and nose, a few cherry angiomas, or some scattered post-inflammatory red spots left behind after breakouts.
Before and after photo. Left image is prior to treatment and right image is after two Broadband Light HERO treatments.
we are All about broadband light THERAPY
We use the BBL HERO laser light machine by Sciton, the best laser company, to deliver big results! We know you also want and need to treat your neck and chest, so we'll treat as much of those areas as time allows if you book the full 60-minute treatment — you know us; we hate add-ons and believe your neck and chest need to be treated just like your face. At other clinics, this is always a significant additional charge.
Sciton's FDA-approved BBL HERO machine delivers broadband light energy targeting specific chromophores in the skin (brown melanin and red hemoglobin) to even the skin’s tone. The light energy destroys its targets while protecting the skin’s surface. It also synthesizes collagen by gently heating the skin's upper layers to stimulate skin cells to regenerate and restore — bonus!
Those with visible redness or brown spots on their skin are likely candidates for a broadband light therapy treatment. Rosacea, sunspots, freckles, cherry angiomas, visible capillaries, post-inflammatory erythema (PIE), post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), and sun damage are all common skin conditions to treat with broadband light therapy.
Note that because this technology targets melanin in the skin, it is not indicated for more melanin-rich skin tones. It is also not for those pregnant or who have any active infections, any implanted medical devices, any uncontrolled chronic conditions, epilepsy, lupus, or a history of melanoma. Additionally, self-tanner must be avoided for at least seven days in the area to be treated, and the skin must not have any increased tan or been exposed to excess sun in the past two weeks.
There is no “downtime” required after a broadband light therapy treatment. Initially, you may leave your treatment a bit pinker than you came in, but this will subside in a few hours or up to a few days and can be covered by cosmetics. Any brown spots on the skin will likely get deeper in tone, and you may notice “peppering” on your skin, which can appear like coffee grounds. The increased hyperpigmentation will slough off within a week.
BBL stands for BroadBand Light and HERO stands for High Energy Rapid Output. The HERO machines deliver more energy to the skin faster which increases results and shortens treatment times. The BBL HERO machine also increased the cooling mechanism, making treatments more comfortable.