Don’t Give Up On Your Under Eyes!

This just in – no one over 18 likes their under eyes. Under eye circles, bags, puffiness, crepiness, fine lines and crows feet are the complaints we hear from clients daily. So why do we still find under eye neglect to be one of the most common skincare sins? 

We think that just because we can’t have the under eyes of a child that we should give up and let them go until they are bad enough to “just get Botox”. Even all the Botox in the world won’t undo crepiness, dehydration, bags, puffiness or dark circles, so you need your products as well. It’s true an under eye cream won’t 100% fix things, but it will improve and prevent.

Aging is inevitable, and your under eyes are the first to go. If you are over the age of 25 and think your eye cream isn’t working because you can’t see any changes, we promise you that it is still working! We understand that eye cream is one of the most expensive products for the size, but you need such a small amount that your under-eye product should last months. Plus, the technology to penetrate and treat such a delicate area comes at a higher price. 

And if you truly want to love (or at least not totally hate) your under eyes, give them a full regimen! We love nothing more than an AM eye cream and a PM eye cream. One to chip away at fine lines while we sleep at night, and one to hydrate and plump out the lines during the daytime. You can even layer eye products on top of each other! (Also, did we mention that we now carry an SPF eye cream?!) Just like everything in life worth having takes work, and your under eyes are no exception.

Talk to your skincare professional about creating a regimen just for your under eyes, and you might just like what you see. 

Once you’re paired with the right under eye products, then look to at-home devices to continue to treat your under eye area. We also have some of the top tools on the market to treat some of these hard-to-treat under-eye complaints:

Puffyness: CryoSculpt

Crepiness and Fine Lines: The Fix

Crow’s Feet and Eye Bags: NuFACE Pro with Eye and Lip Enhancement Tool 

Cassie Fehlen