Meet Holly
“I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

Pamela’s memory of Holly’s first visit is as vivid as it gets. While Pamela was not a new aesthetician, she was new to Skin MPLS and had just completed her initial training with us and was ready to see clients. Understandably though, her nerves were high for her first shift seeing clients and was partnered with Cassie for the day. But enter, Holly to the rescue to lighten the mood. 

Now don’t mistake her relaxed demeanor and amazing sense of humor for a lack of seriousness about her skin. She walked into her New Client Acne Clearing Facial appointment and said, “I’m sick of having acne, just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” After some initial focus and regular monthly appointments, her acne disappeared and now three years later her concerns have shifted to anti-aging and overall skin health. Even though Pamela misses seeing her face monthly for acne treatments, now she gets to indulge her with a luxurious anti-aging facial every eight weeks. 

Holly is a perfect model on how to achieve your skin goals, and now you all get to hear what more about what makes her so special! 

Your first appointment you listened and dove right into a skin plan, what made you so confident in Skin MPLS? 

Pimples gross me out (on myself)! So anyone who goes into the business to help get rid of them is a little bit mad but also a godsend. You also know a whole heck of a lot more than I do about skincare. 

You’ll also never find me watching Dr. Pimple Popper because, gross. You guys are a breed of your own and I LOVE YOU for it. 

How did you find Skin MPLS? 

Not from my friend Mackenzie, who it turned out had been going to Cassie for years! ;) But anyway, let’s just say I’m not a fan of driving. And parking is an even scarier situation for me, so location played a little bit into when I was looking on Yelp. But the great reviews are what sold me. And if you were to move locations today, I’d follow you to any major city – even if I had to parallel park

Were you a lover of skincare before your first facial here? 

Beauty and skincare has always intrigued me. But I am definitely more obsessed with it now. 

We know you just had a baby boy (Clark!), congrats! How has it been taking care of your skin during and after pregnancy? 

Thank you! I still make taking care of my skin a priority to me. Being as tired as I was while pregnant and now am as a mama, I need all the help I can get to look like a human. Luckily with a good skincare routine, looking human comes easy. Even though my bathroom shelf looks like it could be in the lobby of Skin MPLS, my routine is quick. I do love being able to pamper myself at home with some fun mask days though when I can squeeze in a little more “me time”.

Working as the director of a preschool right now sounds stressful, (not to mention the new reality of “maskne”). What advice would you give people on handling your skin in a pandemic? 

I don’t want to jinx myself, but maskne hasn’t really been a thing for me. My thing is the driest chin skin ever. Pamela taught me to put a barrier on before my mask, so I like to use the Lavender Floral Mask and plain old Aquaphor. I’ve also become so used to wearing a mask all day that I am now one of those people driving in their own cars wearing one. I get about half way home before I realize I am still wearing one.  

What’s your guilty pleasure to get you through a Minnesota winter? 

Leaving it to go on a vacation… or wine. Lots of red wine. 

Top 3 favorite skincare products… Go! 

Cassie Fehlen