Secret Affair Skincare - We reveal what you may be hiding from your Aesthetician…

Before we treat anyone at Skin MPLS we always start off with the same question, “What are you using on your skin?”  This is not to judge or shame your products, and not to put you on the spot.  Without knowing all your intimate ingredients, we may be missing a key link to reaching your skin's full potential. While you may wonder why we ask for so many details compared to most salons/spas, we assure you it’s for your skin's own good. So here are the top things that clients use or take that usually fly under our radar.  We promise an aestheticians’ love for your skin is unconditional, so go ahead and confess and you’ll feel better after you do. 

Drugstore Cleansers - It’s true we dream about raiding medicine cabinets and confiscating every Cetaphil bottle we find.  Since puberty we’ve been conditioned to think you can’t go wrong with a ‘gentle’ drugstore cleanser, but the fact of the matter is that these cleansers contain low quality detergents and comedogenic ingredients that will disrupt your natural skin barrier. These effects can be immediate or take years, so that’s why they are such a secret culprit. It’s not that your products have to cost a fortune, and on the contrary most ‘high end’ or ‘luxury’ brands don’t use the finest ingredients either.  What we know is that the quality ingredients come from reputable brands that are sold by professionals, and they shouldn’t be alarmingly cheap or expensive but somewhere in the middle. There may be some budget products you can get away with, but your cleanser is simply not one.  It’s the most important step in the regimen, and creates the canvas for the rest of your skincare.  

Vitamins/Supplements-  We live in a world where us skincare lovers are constantly being targeted for miracle products on Instagram. One of the most common advertisements we see is for multivitamins or supplements boasting to create a glowing complexion. Of course, a major component of skincare is self care, but your skin responds to what you use topically much more than what you use internally.  For anyone prone to acne, these vitamins and supplements can actually trigger breakouts due to excessive levels of iodine/algaes, biotin, or b12 that all are proven to clog pores and create comedones.  For non acne prone clients, you don’t need to worry but know that the likelihood of seeing improvements in your skin just from supplements or vitamins alone is low.  Remember, there are no quick fixes or miracle products.  Kick up your skincare routine, apply SPF regularly, and eat tons of fruits and vegetables to really achieve healthier skin.  

Dryer Sheets/ Fabric Softener- This applies to acne prone, rosacea, eczema, and compromised skin clients.  Dryer sheets and fabric softeners leave behind a fatty wax that irritates and/or clogs the pores.  The same is true for laundry soap with fragrance and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. Again, these often go undetected because it takes time for them to irritate the skin and break down the barrier.  But when in doubt, if your skin is angry or prone to breakouts, shelving these and switching to a free and clear detergent can be a big help.  Also, we see a huge link with this and body acne, especially in the summer. Dryer balls are a safer alternative.  To rid your current towels, sheets, pillowcases, workout clothes, face masks etc of any unwanted, irritating residue simply rewash everything once through with hot water, and once through with non scented soap.  

Makeup Removers-  The number one secret lover we are here to bust!  Makeup wipes seem harmless, and we think double cleanses should give us brownie points but the ingredients in makeup wipes can cause dermatitis aka skin allergies.  On top of that, rubbing these ingredients, dirt, oil and existing makeup into your skin isn’t doing you any favors. Double cleanses and oil cleanses are a huge trend but they can also clog your pores.  What we opt for is a cleanser effective enough to remove your makeup and cleanse your skin fully.  For residual eye makeup or for when you do go a little fuller coverage foundation we opt for non irritating Micellar water along with (never instead of) your cleanser. 

 Cleansing Brushes-  From clarasonics to silicon brushes what could the downside to getting a little help from these tools be? First, you must know your skin, and if it’s the right type to handle more abrasive manual exfoliation. Second, these tools can be a haven for bacteria growth so please follow proper protocols for keeping them sanitary. Soak frequently in rubbing alcohol and store in a cool, dry place.  If you are acne prone skip the tools. Also, don’t sleep on your hands. They can really be your most powerful ally in an effective cleanse.  

We may seem like the nosy neighbors, but treat your Aesthetician like your skin therapist and don’t hold anything back. If you just want a facial or you’re not ready to cut ties with your products we understand, but the first lesson when it comes to seriously commiting to your skin, ‘the truth shall set you free.’