Acne Triggers That Even Your Regimen Can’t Fix

While regular professional extractions and the proper regimen can stabilize your acneic skin, some of these powerful acne triggers are too strong for some to fully clear. You must decide if keeping them in your life warrants the breakouts they may cause. In the meantime, do your regimen twice a day every single day, and you will cut down breakouts as much as possible while also working on aging and pigmentation.

IUD or Birth Control Acne

Progesterone in our body creates sebum, which, if acne-prone, can clog up the pores and create acne. Some birth controls are high in progesterone, while others are high in estrogen. Estrogen-dominant birth control may help your acne to some degree. However, progesterone-dominant birth control (most popular the IUD) can flare acne, sometimes even if you typically don't have it. We go into a bit more detail here.

Unfortunately, this potential side effect is not communicated to many women. But, since the IUD is a long-term commitment and has several benefits compared to some other contraceptive options – sadly, women usually just choose to deal with their breakouts. IUD breakouts typically come in the lower cheeks, chin, forehead, and sometimes the chest and back.

You can control your acne if you work hard on your regimen and get facial treatments, but know if you slip up, you will likely break out again. Also, progesterone is always in overdrive, so other factors like stress or time of year can also randomly flare your acne. In our opinion, your options are to be regular with your regimen and relax about the semi-regular pimples or decide to remove the IUD and switch to an estrogen pill or another method of contraception.

Unhealthy Gut Acne 

The diet and acne debate is ever-growing. We have shared before that, according to Vivant Skincare's Founder, Dr. James Fulton, the best clear skin way to eat is low glycemic. Why do some people get to eat whatever they want and stay clear, while others seem to be triggered by anything? Well, mainly genetics. Although, sometimes, some people may think food is triggering their acne when it's not. Remember the life cycle of a pimple.

One thing that is becoming apparent, though, is if you are bloated, get gas often, or are constipated – and have inflamed acne, they may be connected. Some people turn to naturopaths or allergy testing to uncover what may be happening internally. We support using functional medicine for your body but be wary of taking topical skin advice from a non-aesthetician. 

In return, we will only offer health advice widely known as safe and recommended. And, it seems to be nearly always safe to say that cutting gluten and sugar from your diet, eating fiber in the forms of beans, fruits, and veggies (not grains and supplements), eating foods rich in probiotics, and drinking lots of water will be a good start. At the same time, you work on your twice-a-day skincare regimen.

Friction / Acne Mechanica

Acne Mechinca is why the thought of a hockey mask, surgical mask, or our partner's beard gives aestheticians anxiety. Acne Mechinca is acne triggered by friction or anything constantly rubbing. It usually sprouts many pimples at once, and they're often inflamed. Acne Mechanica can commonly show up on the body from tight clothing rubbing.

Acne Mechina's cause is often overlooked because clients look for a deeper reason when the cause is right on their face! If you are breaking out in only one area, consider anything that rubs against that area often. Glasses, headbands, swim caps, helmets, catcher's mask, partner's scruff, surgical or N95 masks, and clothing are all acne-causing culprits! If you can't remove these from your life, you need to find the proper regimen and rely on icing to speed up healing time.

You can reduce acne caused by friction by adequately hydrating the skin and creating a barrier from the friction. Consider adding a hydrating serum on top of your active serums to buffer your skin. The best defense is always a good offense, so keep your regimen tight and keep anything that touches your face, back, and chest sanitary and dryer sheet-free. 

Too Much Biotin/B12 

Countess aestheticians have lost sleep of what is causing clients chronic congestion and breakouts. The culprit? Sometimes, there is too much biotin and/or B12 in prenatals, multivitamins, supplements, energy drinks, athletic greens, other superfood juices, IV therapy treatments, nutritional yeast, vegan foods, and more. You don't have to worry about consuming too much of these from whole foods. If you get in the habit of constantly checking labels, you can avoid these ever-common and ever-frustrating acne triggers.

If you are doing everything right and still seeing annoying congestion or occasional inflamed flare-ups and are a supplement person, there is likely a connection. For more information on the supplements we like for acne, read here. Very few of us need to supplement large amounts of biotin (over 100 mcg's daily), and there are other ways to grow hair and nails. However, if you need to take B12, work with your physician to be on the lowest dose still helpful, eat healthy to help balance yourself out, and work hard on your skin so congestion can stay stable and not create inflamed acne.

Stress / Lack of Sleep / Night Shift Workers

Few people are lucky enough to carry little to no stress. When it comes to stress and your skin, it's hard to know what's happening inside us. Some people's systems are under high stress, and their cortisol levels are in overdrive, even if nothing is necessarily stressful happening – these people will break out pretty consistently if they are acne-prone.

If you are constantly on the go, feeling overwhelmed, can't sit still, and have a hard time creating a peaceful daily regimen, you may likely struggle with breakouts. As always, your aesthetican and regimen can be a savior for your face in your hectic life. However, it would help if you dive deep into why you carry so much stress and intensity. Our advice is to cut back on caffeine and sugar, start guided meditation, get outside, spend time with loved ones and good friends, seek a therapist, and try hard never to miss an AM or PM cleanse – use this time as an excuse to take time for yourself and find your chill.

For people who work night shifts or struggle to sleep, it can throw off many things in your body, including your circadian rhythm, which affects your skin. Whether it's acne, eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea, if you fall into this category, you can do your best, but until you get some sleep and switch to days, you may have to live with some breakouts. Not all overnight workers have an issue; some can take great to the schedule while others are just not meant for it.


Raise your hand if you pick and then lie to your aesthetican about picking. Yeah, we thought so. It's okay because the truth is we all pick, and it's not your fault you pick. However, you may only achieve clear skin once you stop picking it.

Don't shoot the messenger. You may need tough love, therapy, meditation, exercise, spot treatments, or more regular facial treatments. Whatever you need, we've got you! Our skin is a journey and usually a mirror for what is going on in our lives. Organically, as you continue to take care of your skin, it will get better and better.

Chances are you always have something to critique about yourself and your skin, but we think you are perfect the way you are. We will always give you a helpful push in the right direction, hoping you can confidently take on acne and not let acne overtake you!

Cassie Fehlen