The UV Index: Using Science for Better Skin

Most of us know just how harmful UV rays are by now (brush up on five of the many harmful and unexpected effects if you need a reminder), but what if you could know exactly how harmful they are? You can now with the UV Index feature in your phone's weather app!

Wait, what is it?

The UV Index is a scale recognized by the World Health Organization measuring the strength of UV radiation on the earth’s surface. It helps us gauge the risk of sunburn and skin damage.

Where can I find it?

Check out the image below to see its location on the iPhone’s weather app.

So how does it work?

The UV Index measures the intensity of UV radiation on a scale from 0 to 11+. Factors like time of day, season, and cloud cover influence the rating. They range from low and moderate (0-6) all the way to high and extreme (7-11+). The lower the UV index, the less likely your skin is to burn and get damaged when exposed to the sun.

Does this mean I don’t need sunscreen with lower ratings?

Not so fast! Lower levels don’t excuse the absence of sun protection. Sometimes the index may even state that the UV Index is at 0 when there is still visible sunshine at times like sunset – so we always encourage using SPF (and frequent reapplication), wearing hats, seeking shade, and avoiding peak sun hours. (Find fun sun-safe strategies here!)

Learn how to use the UV Index to your advantage – take a look at the UV Index to better plan for outdoor activities. With its guidance, you can make smart choices to avoid sunburns, premature aging, and even skin cancer. Your future self will thank you.

The UV Index is your ultimate weapon against the sun's harmful rays. It's a great way to level up your sun protection – and protect all your hard work from your facial treatments and skincare products!