Sun Responsibly: How to Do Summer without Undoing Your Skin

You know we’re a bit of a buzzkill regarding sun exposure. But, in our defense, the sun is the leading cause of skin cancer, premature skin aging, and hyperpigmentation in the skin. And while you might think a tan is desirable, it is sadly just a visible sign of skin damage. Over time that tan will lead to uneven, saggy, crepey skin – take a look around the plane next time you visit your grandparents down in Arizona or Florida!

The sun is very powerful, and even with measures to protect yourself – if you are outdoors when the sun is strongest, you will get sun damage. So don’t binge on sun exposure; instead learn how to enjoy the sun responsibly. Because while we want you to have nice skin, we also want you to be happy and enjoy the outdoors! Here are some things to keep in mind while you are enjoying your summer! 

Follow the instructions on the SPF’s label

Sunscreen is accessible and easy to wear these days, but (again, not to be a buzzkill) sunscreen can give a false sense of security. It’s still possible to damage your skin while wearing sunscreen because we wear it incorrectly. We don’t apply nearly as much sunscreen as required to yield the actual sun protection factor (SPF) touted on the product’s label and don’t reapply as we should.

Plus, people who wear sunscreen may also potentially be out in the sun more because they assume they’re protected. Still, sunscreen needs to be reapplied every couple of hours. And potentially even sooner if you’re sweating or doing water activities because sweat and water can quickly wear off your sunscreen.

Did you realize that even if you wear the correct amount of SPF50 sunscreen and reapply as instructed, your skin would still get 2% of the rays the sun shines down on you? That’s because an SPF50 only blocks 98% of the UVB rays, so even if you do everything correctly – you’re still not 100% protected. This is where sun avoidance and seeking shade come in.

Seek shade breaks when possible

While you’re out playing or walking, head towards any shaded or slightly shaded areas to catch a break from the rays when you can – even the smallest bit helps. When you start to feel hot from the sun it is already too late and you have probably burnt a bit.  Always try positioning yourself with your back to the sun when possible. Plan your gardening activities around the morning shade – so if the front of your house gets shade in the mornings, prune and weed the front side in the mornings. Then, once the sun shifts to the other side of your home in the late afternoon, poke and prod at the backyard then. 

Use fashion for function

There are other ways to help shield you from unnecessary sun damage while out in the sun. Use clothing and accessories to your advantage to block the rays from touching your skin. We worked with a local stylist to come up with fun and functional ideas – because, for us, a hat, sunglasses, and lightweight protective clothing are not optional if we’re going to be outside. Check out the full story here. But please, oh please, pair these ideas WITH sunscreen and shade-seeking!

Sun damage is cumulative

The bright side is that you’ve got a lot more years ahead of you in the sun, but without preventative measures, that’s a lot of potential sun damage you have heading your way too. And damage from UV rays is cumulative, which means it’s not just “a couple of hours in the sun” – it’s another couple of hours in the sun.