Five Things You Wouldn’t Expect The Sun To Do

Age you more than smoking 

We are one million percent not condoning smoking and its gross effects on the skin. However, believe it or not, it still comes a far second to the sun – as far as skin aging goes. Read on to see more about why, but long story short, kick both of these cancer-causing habits to the curb.

Make your skin feel like a deflated balloon 

UV light damages elastin fibers which basically is like letting all the air out of your tires slowly over time. Wear SPF, a hat, and avoid direct sun or you’ll wake up one day to sagging skin that is nearly impossible to reverse without surgical intervention. 

Cause crow's feet 

The sun causes wrinkles because of the breakdown of collagen. But also, squinting and not wearing sunglasses will lead to premature crow’s feet. While driving, ALWAYS protect yourself with SPF and sunglasses are a must as well. If you wear glasses and/or hate the feel of sunglasses, invest in prescription shades. Every time you squint you are forming bad habits that lead to crow’s feet. Go a step further and use Bright Eyed daily to protect your eye area even more. 

Enhance acne scars 

There has been a myth around forever that the sun helps acne. Even if there is a shred of truth to it (which we aren’t saying there is), it’s nowhere near worth it because the sun affects the healthy tissues making it harder for skin to heal itself. Not only will the sun cause the skin to bruise, tear, and scar more easily, but it will also make short-lasting damage permanent. 

Sag your neck 

Just wait until your 30’s really hit, you’ll know because you are constantly paranoid about your sagging neck and crepey chest. Your younger, tanner self is to blame here. From here on, don’t neglect these parts when using SPF (young or old). The sun fries these areas as well, ruining the collagen and firm skin that once was. 

LIFESTYLECassie Fehlen