Top Ten Sensitive Skin Mistakes

We are all human, and we get that mistakes to happen! But if you have noticed your skin is agitated, consider it to be your sign to stop what you are doing and reassess what your skin wants versus what you think it needs. 

Not sure what you could be doing wrong? Don’t worry; consider this handy guide on what not to do to your skin to keep it calm, healthy, and happy every day.

Avoid these skin offenses for instantly calmer skin (in no particular order).

Using Hot Water 

Lukewarm is the best way to go and always keep your face out of the hot stream in the shower. 

Using Washcloths 

They are too rough and create too much stimulation! Just use your hands and the right cleanser to wash your face and splash with water to rinse.

Not Using a Gentle Touch 

Sensitive skin requires minimal friction, stimulation, and rubbing – so take it easy, ok?!

Using an Exfoliating Brush/Tool 

Your hands are your best tool! And we’ll help you find the right gentle exfoliator for your skin. So just ask us!

Using a Thick Cream as a Cure All and Skipping Hydrating Products 

Heavy moisturizers can just suffocate your skin when it’s sensitive – and even slugging will not save you!

Skipping SPF

Every single day. Sensitive skin must be protected. We’ll say no more on this subject.

Too Much Inflammation (i.e sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and dairy)

Keep these in moderation and learn what triggers your sensitivities to help curtail the skin (and other) consequences.

Too Much Sun (even when protected with SPF) 

Always find shade and wear a hat. Even SPF will not fully protect you from the sun’s damaging rays. Adding more heat to sensitive skin is definitely not what it needs. 

Being Your Own Aesthetician 

What facial is right for you? Here’s a refresher

Relying on “Natural” Products 

Coconut oil will not save your skin – it will actually make it worse!