Don’t F*** With Your Fuzz

When did the war on peach fuzz become so brutal? While we absolutely love a good professional dermablading on the right skin, we are losing our patience for at-home blading tools. We can tell pretty much right away when clients are using these because the skin is often red, irritated, and has a bit of a sandpaper feel. Also, ingrown hairs and acne are extremely common when using Tinkle razors or any similar self-proclaimed “dermaplaning” product. 

Here is the bottom line – professional dermaplaning removes dead skin and vellus hair (AKA “peach fuzz”). At-home tools just remove hair, so it is not the same effect. These at-home tools are purposely dull so that you avoid slicing and dicing yourself – but unfortunately, that dullness is taxing on  your skin with repetitive use. Besides, when using sharp-ish objects on your skin, you want a professional aesthetician in a sterile environment. If your skincare provider does not opt to dermaplane you, there is probably a good reason like it’s not right for your skin that day. Talk to us if you want to try it and we will make it our goal to get your skin there. If you struggle with more prevalent and coarser hair, you may be better suited to look into laser hair removal or facial waxing.

Just like it’s essential that we know all the products that go on your skin, the same is true for your tools. It’s possible your skin may get aggravated if you are using at-home tools close to your appointment (or frankly, ever). You may be keeping us up at night, wondering why your skin is still struggling with irritation or breakouts. (What else might you be hiding from your aesthetician?). Just because your friends do it and it’s all over the internet, doesn’t make it a good treatment for your skin. Please stay away from at-home dermaplaning tools.

If you can’t do it at home and you can’t make it in for regular treatments, what should you do? Embrace your peach fuzz – everyone has it! And we promise, you are the only person offended by it. We know baby soft skin can be addicting, but it is not 100% necessary. Skin health comes first and foremost, and these at-home tools damage your barrier which makes it hard to achieve healthy skin. So do your skin a favor and don't’ f*** with your fuzz!

LIFESTYLECassie Fehlen