Top Ten Underrated and Unknown Ingredients

Some people prefer to keep their secret weapons secret – but not us. We like to share our knowledge wealth because we believe in jaw-dropping skin for everyone. Here’s our countdown of our top ten favorite ingredients that you may not know about yet – delivered from our studio to your face. 

10. Kojic Acid is a skin brightener derived from mushrooms. It is gentle and naturally helps control melanin production (meaning that it stops dark spots from forming). It boosts exfoliation and is a wonderful addition to try with some of our other favorite ingredients on this list.

Try: Vivant’s Derm-A-Gel

9. Ceramides are lipids (AKA fats) that occur naturally in our skin. They have many important jobs, but one specifically is to make the outer layer of our skin feel soft and remain healthy. Since we all need a little help as we get older, synthetic ceramides will help perform that function for us. Ceramides benefit every skin type, but especially dry, rough skin that can get stressed or sun-damaged easily. 

Try: Dr. Esthé’s Dual Barrier Lotion and Le Mieux’s 24 Hr Age Defying Cream

8. Ascorbic Acid is vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that will keep your skin from aging and also brighten and smooth it as well. Here’s the thing – vitamin C is hard to stabilize, so finding a good one is a serious search. But once you’ve found the right one, you have the holy grail of serums, though! Our two favorites both contain high levels of ascorbic acid (the purest and most active form) in stable formulas.

Try: Vivant’s Pure C&E and Dr. Esthé’s Vita C

7. Glycolic Acid. Okay, so maybe you know this one, but we can’t leave it out because we love a good shiny face. The best way to describe glycolic acid, which is derived from sugar cane, is fast and strong. That's what makes it the “OG” of the acids. That does mean it can be more irritating, so it’s best for fairer complexions and more resilient skin. It works wonders on sun damage and fine lines. 

Try: Arcona’s Solution Pads and Exfol-a Forte

6. Oxygen in skincare products literally breathes life into the skin. Some of its biggest strengths are killing bacteria, quickly healing wounds, and plumping the skin. It’s a great option for skin prone to redness, dryness, acne, and irritation. 

Try: Arcona’s Night Breeze

5. Green Tea. Everyone’s favorite stimulant is also a very powerful antioxidant. It has been studied for many benefits. They range from preventing cancerous cells to reducing skin swelling. It is also antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, making it a great choice for everyone, from acne to anti-aging. 

Try: Dr. Esthé’s Azulene and Le Mieux’s Hyaluronic Serum 

4. Lactic Acid. This one ranks near the top because of its high molecular structure. What does that mean? Great question – this means it works mostly near the surface of the skin, which makes it one of the gentlest actives. It still sloughs off dead skin and fades pigmentation, but it’s a perfect choice for dry and mature skin. It also adds hydration to the skin. We love that many of our Vivant serums are formulated with lactic acid because it helps to soothe and balance out some of the stronger ingredients. 

Try: Vivant’s Derm-A-Renew and  Vivant’s FF3 Biointensive

3. Peptides. These are the amino acids that you don’t know you need, but definitely don’t want to miss. While they may not be an instant pick-me-up, they will undo gravity over time (a much more sustainable pick-me-up). Peptides are one of the biggest discoveries in modern skincare. The beauty of peptides is that you cannot overuse them. This is because they mock your own protein builders to give back the collagen you lost (or will lose). They also soothe redness and are one of the few topical skincare ingredients that can help pitted acne scarring. 

Try: Vivant’s Rejuv Rx, Le Mieux’s TGF-B and Le Mieux’s EGF

2. Retinyl Propionate. Go ahead, find us a more confusing ingredient than vitamin A/retinol/and the other seemingly infinite number of names. But why does our preferred name make it so high on our list? Retinyl propionate is the most effective form of the most powerful ingredient out there. An effective vitamin A will stimulate skin cells to turn over fast, but not too fast. Thank you to our mentor Dr. Fulton, for not only inventing topical vitamin A but also for empowering acne-ologist estheticians (like ourselves!) to use retinyl propionate to transform not only skin but also lives. (Learn more about What The F Vitamin A is, here).

Try: Vivant’s Exfol-A

1. Mandelic Acid. The way we talk about mandelic acid, you might think it’s black magic or a Home Shopping Network ad. That’s because what it does seems unbelievable, especially since you have maybe never heard of it. Dr. Fulton (again, our hero), the founder of Vivant Skincare, specially created this ingredient to treat a range of skin. It is great for acne, pigmentation, aging, melasma, and the list goes on. It’s antimicrobial, melanin-inhibiting, and evens out skin tone for a radiant, healthy glow. If we were on a desert island (and trust us, we HATE this question) and you only had one – it would be mandelic acid (because SPF is a given, come on – you know us better than that!). 

Try: Vivant’s 8% Mandelic Acid and Vivant’s 15% Mandelic Acid