Are pre-workout powders breaking you out?

Healthy habits, like working out, can still trigger breakouts without even knowing it! Not only do some of the parts of working out (like sweating and friction) trigger breakouts, but even the prep and post-care portions (like protein powders, bars, supplements, and pre-workout drinks) are also common culprits. We have touched on some of that in our previous blogs here and here.  

What are pre-workout powders and drinks? 

Pre-workout powders are designed to give you energy to boost workouts and fitness. They are mostly made up of caffeine and varying vitamins and minerals. And, they also often contain flavoring, artificial sweeteners, and dyes to make them taste and look more appealing. 

Why would they cause breakouts? 

Pre-workout drinks contain high levels of B12 and caffeine. B12 is an important vitamin for energy and health, but typically you do not need more than the daily recommended dose. High doses of B12 are a well-known acne trigger. They cause inflammation in the pores and contribute to breakouts and it’s also hypothesized that you sweat out all that excess B12 through your pores disrupting the acne bacteria balance, which then sends acne into overdrive. 

Another potential cause of acne with pre-workout drinks is the high levels of caffeine. We all know that caffeine can spike your cortisol levels (and vigorous exercise can spike it even more), with increased cortisol levels your pores produce more oil which then contributes to breakouts in your pores. 

Remember, it takes about 2-8 weeks before you will see the effects, pimples take time to build up. 

Are there any acne-safe pre-workout drink options? 

None that we’ve ever come across. :( You can look for options with slightly lower levels of B12 and caffeine, like this one, and then limit how often you take them and cut the serving size down as well (to limit your B12 and caffeine intake even more). 

Of course, we’re not nutritionists or physical trainers and cannot offer your official nutritional advice, but a cup of coffee and a hard-boiled egg (or two) before your workout would give you reasonable amounts of caffeine and B12 to help you through your fitness routine.

With most acne triggers, our recommendation is to try it when your skin is stable. If after the first few months of the change, you are still not breaking out – then continue to proceed with caution. If you have active acne, we highly recommend pausing anything that might be an issue. You can check out other acne triggers here

What about protein powders?

Protein powders can be a big trigger too. Avoid ones with ingredients like biotin, B12, whey, and soy. Here are some acne-safe picks that we love! 

Vegan Options 

Ancient Nutrition Plant Based Protein Powder 

Plant Life To Thrive Simple Pumpkin Seed Powder 

Non Vegan 

Be Well By Kelly Grass Fed Beef Protein 

Promix Collagen Peptides 

ACNECassie Fehlen