Sifting Through Social Media Skincare Advice

How to not just follow your heart when it comes to following skincare on social media.

You know that all these celebrities and influencers talking about skincare gives us heart palpitations — and not the good kind. So, we thought we’d share what to look for in professional skin accounts and five suggested accounts to follow with solid, as unbiased as can be, and professional advice!

Sometimes it’s hard to understand who has your best interest at heart when it comes to social media. It can get flipped, meaning influencers who are paid or just wrong come off as the “good guy” and aesthetics and medical professionals come off as product pushers. 

What drives we aestheticians is changing skin for the better, so any content is usually to spread the good word about professional skincare. Here are five tips to keep in mind when looking at Instagram or TikTok for skincare advice. 

  1. “Verified” doesn’t really mean anything when it comes to education on what they are posting about.

  2. Individual influencers are motivated by ad sponsorship and larger corporations can pay more for marketing than smaller skincare lines. So you are tricked into thinking what you see most is the best.  

  3. Making your own products/product line does not make you a chemist. It’s very simple and affordable to private label products. These products are just made by larger companies. Private labeling is a way to keep buyers from getting products elsewhere and then celebrities endorse the products – and you pay for that endorsement.

  4. Reviews are bought and sold. 

  5. Fear-mongering and greenwashing are the new marketing tools. 

Without further ado, add these “porefessional” accounts if you are really a skincare junkie and not just buying into the trends. We love them because they are as unbiased as it gets and take a scientific approach. But even with these accounts, always use your own critical thinking skills to decipher what works for you.




