How to Put Your Skin First

We are all guilty of taking our skin for granted at times. But, while it may never leave us, it will cry for help! What are the classic signs your skin is screaming for some attention? We’ll tell you below along with how to fix it!

It’s over-exfoliated 

How to tell: It’s red around the mouth, it itches, and it burns/stings when you put moisturizer and other products on it.

What to do:

  • Temporarily skip exfoliation and exfoliating products (this includes vitamin A, benzoyl peroxide, and mandelic acid).

  • Add a hydrating serum underneath your moisturizer.

  • Add petroleum jelly on top of your moisturizer. 

  • Make sure you are using professional-recommended exfoliating products only. 

It’s dull 

How to tell: It looks uneven and there are probably areas of texture or dry patches. It may look flat or gray and less vibrant than usual.  

What to do:

  • Add in gentle alpha hydroxy acids like Mandelic Acid Wash for daily use.

  • Add in an enzyme treatment for weekly or twice/weekly usage.

  • Wear SPF and don’t smoke in order to avoid cell damage that makes skin appear dull.

You are reacting

How to tell: Sometimes bumps, redness, or whiteheads can seem like acne at first, but if they don’t respond to traditional acne-treating methods – it’s likely more of a rash, dermatitis, or other irritating skin condition. Usually, this won’t come and go like acne but will flare until it’s managed with proper treatment or prescriptions. It can feel itchy, appear as cracked skin, clusters of whiteheads, or have a blister-like appearance. 

What to do:

  • Cut down your skin products to just a cleanser, a hydrator/lightweight moisturizer, and SPF. It’s easy to irritate your skin with too many products when it’s already compromised.

  • Check in with your aesthetician for more advice and they will refer you to the derm if you need more medical treatment.

  • Use a free and clear laundry soap and skip dryer sheets and fabric softener that can sometimes cause reactions.

You are breaking out 

How to tell: You have inflamed lesions or clogged pores that are occurring more than occasionally. And, a new pimple comes before the last one heals. 

What to do:

Almost everyone breaks out, but chronic acne can have mental and physical ramifications.

  • Make a list of everything going on or near your face. Check ingredients for pore-cloggers.

  • Do a consistent 2-5 step skincare routine EVERY morning and night with products recommended specifically for you and your skin.

  • Cut back on sugar, simple carbs, and dairy. Most importantly check any new supplements, juices, and medications for B12, iodine, and biotin.

LIFESTYLECassie Fehlen