Fake It 'Til You Make It Five Expert Tips on Managing Acne Until You Are Clear

Patience is a virtue, but not a fun one. At Skin MPLS we specialize in getting results fast, but it will take at least a month to three months for acne to improve – and closer to a year for severe hyperpigmentation to really fade. But being acne-prone means breakouts can surface at any time you get stressed, fall off regimen, or have significant life changes. The only true way to manage acne is with our proven acne system of removing acne triggers and using a targeted four-step regimen (curated by us). However, in the meantime, you can hack your skin in a healthy way with these expert tips on skincare and makeup! 

Layer acne-safe makeup! 

We love when acne clients go makeup-free and wear their skin like a badge of honor. Besides, most makeup products can be terrible for acne-prone skin and the best foundation is a healthy skin foundation anyway. However, you may feel more confident with the right coverage and also be less likely to pick at your skin – so we support you no matter what. But, two of the big misconceptions we hear are, “I oNLy wear makeup when I go out once in a while, so it doesn't matter which one it is.” And “It’s not makeup, jUsT tinted moisturizer.”

First of all, wearing pore-cloggers on your skin (even *only* once a month) can have a serious impact on breakouts – especially if you are prone to cystic pimples. And second of all, tinted moisturizer is just a subcategory of foundation. And there is no shame in wearing foundation, but it doesn’t make it acne-safe because you don’t think of it as “foundation”. It is, in no way, shape, or form, safer for acne. Some of the worst offenders for clogging pores are primers, concealers, tinted moisturizers, pressed powders, and dirty makeup tools. Avoid these categories of makeup and wash your brushes weekly with your most gentle acne-safe cleanser.

We promise you can get all the coverage you need by layering acne-safe tinted moisturizers/foundations/loose powders on top of each other. Our very favorite is still Nars Sheer Glow for its buildable coverage and ability to double as a concealer (if you just take a little, let it dry on your finger, and pat it on the area you want to conceal). Then, go ahead and keep layering your foundation (Nars Radiant Long-wear is more, and matte, coverage) until you feel confident! Top it off with a loose powder like BareMinerals Original Foundation in your specific color, you won’t look cakey and you will be an A+ acne student! Just don’t forget to wash your face at night!

Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse! 

Cleansing is the most important step in the skincare regimen. It is not to be shortened, skimped, or EVER missed out on (especially, if you have acne-prone skin). The biggest mistake people make is using an *eh* cleanser. 

The right cleanser is an acne student's biggest tool because a thorough cleanse will feel good and go a long way. While we can’t guarantee your skin will clear with just cleanser and acne-safe moisturizer, we do expect better results than what you are currently getting with pore-clogging drugstore or beauty store products. 

Using a cleanser with our favorite acne-fighting, brightening, and skin-loving ingredient, mandelic acid means the longer you cleanse for, the more results you will see. We can’t say the same for the mysteriously overly-hyped various CeraVe cleansers (which barely even get the makeup off). 

Investing in your products is the only way to really achieve admission to the clear-skin club, and if you are willing to spend $60 on makeup but not a corrective treatment serum, you probably aren’t committed to getting clear. However, if the budget really is an issue, start with the right cleanser and don’t fall for glamor products. Cleanse two times a day with a mandelic or benzoyl peroxide wash (depending on what your skin can handle), don’t use makeup wipes or balms, and cleanse as long as you can (assuming your skin is acclimated). If you can tolerate the Mandelic Acid Exfoliating Cleanser, even better – that will give your skin an extra exfoliating treatment. “Fancy” and “acne” do not go together, so nailing the basics is the easiest way to slide into clear skin. 

Never use makeup wipes, but do use toning wipes! 

Why are makeup wipes full of such cheap and irritating ingredients? We don’t know! But we do know that you don’t really need them anyway. A good cleanser will remove your foundation and then you can use micellar water (our fave is Bioderma) or an acne-safe oil for eye makeup removal. Be very afraid of anything with the word “balm” in it and always check with your aesthetician about ANYTHING you put on your face for any amount of time. 

What we do love for acne-prone skin is a good pre-soaked toning pad. We prefer them on freshly cleansed skin, but ultimately they can be used anywhere, anytime. They remove dirt, oil, and some even work on existing acne, pigmentation, and scarring. They are a toner and a treatment in one and they are good for overnights with the boo, camping, traveling, the gym, etc. You can usually give your skin a boost by really scrubbing them into any congested areas. From most gentle to most active, our Skin MPLS-approved options are Triad Pads, Raspberry Resurfacing Pads, and Daily Repair Pads

Rock the clay mask all night long! 

Pimple patches are so 2021. While we aren’t angry at them, they just don’t pack the same punch as Vivant’s Sulfur Clay Mask left on as an area treatment (especially when you combine it with the BP 10% Treatment Gel). One sure-fire way to notice quick results on acne is using this combo up to daily (as long as skin is not feeling too dry). 

First, cleanse your skin and then apply a thin layer of sulfur clay mask mixed with a dab of BP 10% on ANY areas that have blackheads, whiteheads, texture, inflamed breakouts or, any areas just prone to those on you. Then apply a hydrating mask (like Lavender Mask) everywhere else. Leave both on for 15 minutes (up to hours if your skin can tolerate it). Before bed, simply rinse and then apply your toner, serums, and moisturizer. This will give your skin quick results and also help you notice patterns of why and where you are breaking out. For smaller spots, and heartier skin, you can leave Sulfur Clay Mask on overnight as well. This is another perfect travel companion, and you may find you are more comfortable around friends/family/new love interests with the clay mask on than stressing about them seeing your pimples. 

Use enzymes for flaking skin. 

The most common gripes when starting a REAL skincare regimen are “I’m dry” or “I’m flaking under my makeup.” You may feel dry or dull at first because most of the products you used to use contained oils and waxes that made skin feel temporarily moisturized and gave the illusion of “better” skin. And typically, people tend to like their skin when it is really moisturized, especially in the winter months. 

Nowadays, overly occluding skin (AKA “slugging” or applying Vaseline daily) is a big trend thanks to the K-Beauty obsession. But you heard from us years ago, using petroleum jelly from time to time to coat your skin at night is a great way to bounce back from over-exfoliated skin due to using active ingredients or to bounce back from dry winter skin due to – well, winter. Just be sure not to use your actives (think vitamin A serums and/or mandelic acid serums) underneath the petroleum jelly because that will just make them more active!

And always remember, acne and the acne-prone NEEDS exfoliation, period. You can use all the “non-toxic” and “gentle” products you want, but if you are not clearing your dead skin cells with exfoliating products – you will continue to break out. Exfoliating does come with some flaking skin. This can last a few days, weeks, or months – and for some skin, honestly, you may always see flaking come and go. But, it's worth it! 

We have a really fun and affordable way to hydrate skin, give you a glow, and remove the flaking skin messing with your makeup look. NuPeel is a very gentle enzyme mask good for EVERYONE’S skin It has aloe vera so it helps hydrate and fruit enzymes that eat dead skin. You simply apply the mask to cleansed dry skin, wait about a minute, and then massage around. Once it’s done balling up all of your dead skin, rinse and then apply toner, serums, and moisturizer. You will feel glowing, satisfied, and have several hours of flake-free makeup.