Pores: Does Size Matter?

EVERYONE has pores, and almost everyone has visible pores in parts of their face. But, if you are wondering what is “normal” or what you can do about your pores, read our breakdown below and leave your poor pores alone! 

First, what are pores?  

Pores are small round openings in your skin and their function is to release sweat and oil from your glands. Remember, your skin is your largest organ and has endless important functions.  Pores are found all over the body but are commonly clogged and problematic mostly just on the face.

And what makes some pores more visible than others? 

Genetics are the biggest factor in determining pore size, but environmental factors can contribute as well. Typically, (but not always) oil-rich and acne-prone skin have more visible pores. Dry skin tends to have less visible pores. The most common case is going to be somewhere in the middle, visible pores where you create more oil (through the center of your face). Also, things like sun damage and acne scarring caused by picking can change the shape of the pore, sometimes permanently.  

What can I do about my pores? 

You should embrace and love your skin and pores. We assure you that only you notice your pores and others do not. Nose pores are just there and, for the most part, will always fill with oil – it’s part of their function and indicates normal healthy skin.  

One of the biggest skin misnomers is people looking to rid themselves of “blackheads” when they don’t have them. Instead, what they have are sebaceous filaments – which is just a fancy way of saying you have pores and they make oil. You could squeeze them every day (but please don’t!)  and they would just come right back. Sebaceous filaments help to channel the flow of oil from the sebaceous gland inside the pore.

There is a point where sebum in the pores crosses a line and becomes impacted with dead skin too. This is a clogged pore and is technically acne. It is not ideal because it causes inflammation and can have long-term effects on your skin. Skin is not perfect. It has texture, but the goal should be to not have acne or impacted pores. Keeping pores clear requires a combination of exfoliation (with the right products) and not using pore-clogging products and makeup. Also, lifestyle decisions like diet and some vitamins/medications can cause clogged pores as well. 

But can I change the size of my pores? 

You can’t change them, per se, but you can refine them. The right products and treatments, like microchanneling, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and lasers can tighten the skin and create illusions of smaller pores. Also, if you have damaged your pores with sun exposure, poor product choice, and picking you can undo some of that. So just like most of our answers, it’s not that simple but it starts with linking up with a skin porefessional. We want to help you love your pore size because remember – it’s not about having the smallest pores, but instead, the healthiest skin.

Top 10 Underrated Ingredients

If you are looking to refine your pore size, boost your glow, and fight the signs of aging, check out some of these ingredients that might be missing in your life! 

Pore-Cloggers Exposed!

Love your pores by not putting these ingredients on that will likely clog them up!