Your Skincare + Pregnancy Questions Answered by Kaila!

Your Skincare + Pregnancy Questions Answered by Kaila!

If you haven’t seen the good news, here it is — Kaila is expecting a baby girl this winter! She is a self-proclaimed granola health freak that is a wonderful resource for all questions about pregnancy and skincare. Feel free to ask her anything, but here are some of the most popular questions we get when it comes to skincare and pregnancy.

What products have you shelved since finding out?!

Just my Exfol-A which is a real bummer because I’m a big fan of that, especially as a former acne client. Luckily there are some great alternatives that are pregnancy-safe.

What are your thoughts on salicylic acid and pregnancy?

I think small amounts of salicylic acid are totally fine. From the research I’ve done 2.5% is completely safe. Salicylic acid is in a lot of shampoos as well so a lot of people are using it all throughout pregnancy without even knowing!

Have you been experiencing more or less breakouts during pregnancy?

I would say my skin has remained the same. I’ve stuck to my routine and have been using my 8% Mandelic Acid Serum morning and night to combat any extra breakouts and it seems to be working well!

Many of our clients know prenatal vitamins can be problematic when it comes to acne? Any advice/recommendation for us?

Generally, because of the iodine, high vitamin B, and biotin content, they are considered problematic — but I haven’t had any issues. I recommend investing in a high quality prenatal because they typically contain added nutrients to help your body digest and absorb the nutrients your body and baby need resulting in less skin issues! One of my favorite brands is Needed Prenatal Multi Essentials. Target also carries Garden of Life Prenatal Multi+DHA as well as the Target branded version that are both acne-safe. And you can find acne-safe New Chapter Advanced Perfect Prenatal Multivitamin at Lakewinds Co-op and also Fresh Thyme.

Have you experienced dry skin during pregnancy, if so what has helped?

I have experienced more dry skin than normal (which is pretty typical with pregnancy) but I’ve been putting the Dr. Esthe’s Hyal-Moisture underneath my moisturizer morning and night to combat it and it’s helped dramatically.

What has been your go to mask for some extra TLC while pregnant?

I’ve love the HydraCalm Mask from FaceReality and Vivant’s Algae Clay Mask has been extra helpful with my drier skin. I also use Nupeel a couple times per week to take away any exfoliating dead skin flakiness. It does have a small amount of retinyl palmitate, but I feel 100% comfortable with that vitamin A ester during pregnancy.