Make Me a (Skin) Believer 

No two people are alike when it comes to their skin, but there are tendencies and patterns we notice in clients’ skin. Skincare is no different than any other interest or passion. And, while we know the more you work on it the better it gets, that doesn’t make it any less of a frustrating process — because there may always be hiccups along the way. 

Just as some of us have the hands for the guitar, some skin is naturally easier to work with than others. At the church of Skin MPLS, we believe in making the seemingly unachievable, achievable. If you’ve become agnostic to your products or you’ve renounced the faith in the good word of skin chemistry, you might be one of these three types of “doubting Thomas” clients. Here are some redeeming tips, and if all else fails — you can always email your prayers to any of us aestheticians. 

The Non-Committal Type 

Do you forget you have an appointment until you get the 24-hour reminder? Do you have another facial somewhere else later this month? Do you belong to a product subscription service? All of these might indicate you are not fully committed to your skincare plan. Listen, we understand… You have a full pie chart of life and skincare may just be a small sliver, but if it’s something you want to take seriously — it requires more time.

Cliché as it might be, consistency is key. If you don’t think that product we recommended to you isn't working, it might be because you rarely use it — or you don’t know what it is supposed to do. We can’t clear your calendar, but we can provide you with 24/7 attention to your skincare needs — so take advantage of us! We are always happy to write down exactly what your AM and PM regimens should be. Follow it like a recipe, and you’ll see results. 

Very few of us are 100%, but even if you give 70% or more we think you will like what you see. Our advice: Give your self care and your skincare just an extra five minutes a day for your own unique journey and results will happen. 

The Self-Proclaimed Prophet 

The internet can make you a doctor, lawyer, influencer, and aesthetician with enough Reddit boards. We love your enthusiasm for skincare, and it’s true we are impressed by how much you have learned on your own. But, we are not on an island, we are all in this together. Believe it or not — just as therapists have therapists and artists learn from other artists, aestheticians even need their own aesthetician.

If anyone wants to be successful in their skin journey, they find the right consultant and listen to them. You might think you know all the answers, but you are coming in for a facial treatment with good reason. Be a skincare expert that is still humble enough to take advice from a licensed professional. Check your products and stigma at the door and we promise you soon you’ll be writing your new chapter! 

Our advice: Take everything you read online with a grain of salt and talk through your concerns with a professional. 

The Overindulgent

“I want it all and I want it now.”- Veruca Salt (Willy Wonka) 

If you are a junkie for new products and impatient when you use them, you might find yourself lacking results. If you are quick to buy but slow to listen, it might be time to take a breath. We don’t offer cures. We offer education. It can take at least a month for our skin to start to change. And while you may see results (good or bad) sooner, if you don’t give it true measured time — then you are failing yourself and causing longer wait times in the future. 

If you are trying something different every day, it better be a new restaurant and not a new skincare product. Patience is a virtue (not a fun one) but it will pay off in the long run. Our advice: Don’t buy anything unless you truly understand what it is and are willing to give it the time it takes to work. 

“This isn’t working” is an occasional thing we hear, but you have to ask yourself if it’s working for 99.5% of people, is it the product or is it you? We’ve all been guilty of giving up on everything from diets to trigonometry, but the difference is that your skin never gives up on you.

It is always there and usually doesn’t cooperate until it receives your attention. Listen to your inner George Micheal and have some faith in yourself (and your regimen and your aesthetician). We can’t promise it will be quick and painless but we can promise you’ll learn about your skin along the way. And that’s our number one goal, we want our clients to understand their skin and its needs so that when you’re alone at the sink in your bathroom with a new acne spot — you know exactly what to do.

LIFESTYLECassie Fehlen