Acne and the Pandemic

We breakdown what may be causing your pandemic breakouts 

Last June we reopened the studio after a few months of shutdown. More time at home and stimulus checks gave people the opportunity to dig in and really treat their skin. Now, essential workers and more are back in the field, and everyone else is venturing out more and more. We are slowly seeing acne on clients who have rarely experienced it or were feeling clear. Why? These are our top 5 reasons you may be struggling with acne during COVID times, and how to help.

5. Face Touching. Are you constantly resting your hands on your chin or cheek while on work video calls? We are seeing more and more face touching in this new work from home culture. Whether it's conscious or subconscious, if you find yourself breaking out in the same place over and over again — keep an eye out if that is an area you may be resting your hand. Also, we know you have more time at home now, so please don’t fill it with face picking. We’re watching you.

4. Multi-Vitamins. You may be trying to boost your immune system or trying to be healthy by taking a multi-vitamin — but unfortunately, high doses of B12, biotin, and iodine can wreak acne havoc as they make their way to your pores. It may take several weeks to see the negative changes in your skin …and about the same amount of time to get over all of the effects. If you find your acne getting out of control, take a look at what supplements or vitamins you may be taking. Wondering what other mystery things might be causing your acne? Check out our secret acne triggers blog here.

3. The Gym. We know in a world on lockdown that you may need the gym or workout studio to stay healthy and sane. However, it may have some impacts on your skin. Sweating in a mask will irritate skin and become a haven for bacteria growth. Before working out, wash your face with a gentle cleanser. Then, either follow up with a toning pad or a toner and finally, a small amount of light moisturizer. Right after the workout, go through your AM/PM regimen like normal. Remove tight or sweaty clothing as soon as possible to avoid chest and back breakouts. Also, skip the workout shakes if there is any whey or soy protein on the menu. Both of those can spike face and body acne. 

2. Maskne. As we come upon a year of wearing PPE, it’s really taking a toll on our skin. Essential workers and those back in the office know the day-in, day-out struggles of acne mechanica (AKA acne caused by friction from your mask). Now, even those working from home are experiencing breakouts as they start to travel, eat out, and retail shop. Yes, you can help the problem by wearing a comfortable mask, keeping it clean, and avoiding makeup underneath – but breakouts may still be inevitable. The best thing to do is work with a professional to get your skin under control. Regular extractions and the right regimen will get it as clear as possible. Learn about which treatment to book here.

1. Stress. Whether you feel it or not, we are going through rollercoaster levels of stress, guilt, and confusion. Stress causes hormonal spikes that trigger extra oil production and that feeds acne. This all leads to inflamed breakouts. What’s the best way to stay in control? First, don’t stress about your skin and try to accept that a pimple may come. Second, stay on top of your regimen and find relaxation in it. Finally, there’s a big link to your gut, your mood, and your skin. Avoid high levels of dairy, too much caffeine/alcohol, processed and salty foods. Eat leafy greens and more colorful foods like berries and peppers high in vitamins A and C. Try chia/flax seeds, avocados, and wild-caught fatty fish that are all high in Omega 3’s (great for both skin and mental health). And remember, the healthiest people may still get breakouts while the unhealthiest people may have clear skin. Acne-prone is a skin type, but chronic stress will make it near impossible to clear.

Here’s our step-by-step guide to achieving your skin goals, pandemic or not.