Get To Know SKIN MPLS: Meet Bella

Here’s another friendly face to get to know! Bella has been coming into Skin MPLS since 2016 and she’s even been bitten by the skincare bug herself! She is working the desk every Wednesday night while she goes to school at St. Paul College studying… you guessed it... Aesthetics!

Right out of high school, she knew she wanted to pursue one of her two loves: fashion or skin/beauty. We can’t help but hope we pushed her towards our personal favorite of the two! She definitely takes great care of her skin, is stylish, and also great with people -- so we know she will have lots of success! Bella has ultimate visions of working in London in the skincare industry. In the meantime, her school program is over a year long, so you’ll have plenty of time to chat about all things hip in the skin world with this trendy Gen Z-er! 

Here are a few of our favorite ice breakers to help you get to know Bella! 

How did you first find out about Cassie and Skin MPLS? 

I used to go with my mom and my older sister to their facials with Cassie when I was in 8th grade, and finally convinced my mom to let me get one with Cassie! 

We are super excited about your new part-time gig, tell us more about your college program and when you will graduate?

This year I’m taking 3 courses at Saint Paul College. I get my aesthetician certificate and license in December! Then, next semester I’m taking the Advanced Practice Esthetician course. Finally, I’m finishing up in summer and taking my CIDESCO certification course which will allow me to work outside of the US as an esthetician! 

Are you into astrology? If so, what’s your sign? 

Totally!! I’m a Leo. 

Tell us about your spirit animal? 

Hmm… This is a hard one, probably a cheetah! 

Are you more likely to be found dressed up at a party or at home with a pizza? 

Dressed up at a party always!!! 

Have you tried any new Skin MPLS products lately? And what are the usual faves you can’t live without?

I love all my products, but my holy grail would have to be BP 10% Gel Medication! Nothing clears my breakouts faster!

ABOUT USCassie Fehlen