Get to Know Skin MPLS: Meet Josie!

Josie is the glue that holds our studio together. She is the first face you see, and her soothing voice will put you in the perfect mood. She knows our clients as well as we do, and oftentimes people will come early just to chat with her. When she started coming in as Cassie’s client she was a self-proclaimed beauty blog obsesser and now we proclaim her an honorary aesthetician. Watch some of her highlights on instagram using her Gua Sha and NuFACE Mini, and you might be able to get your skin almost as firm and dewy as her’s. Josie is the most professional salon manager we’ve ever seen, so let’s learn a little more about her personal life. 

What’s the first thing you are going to do after the shelter in place has lifted? 

Visit my family so I can hug and kiss all of my nieces and nephews! I miss the simple pleasure of giving a warm hug to others. I’m also that annoying person who can’t wait to hit the gym! Haha, but I love working out. It’s how my body processes stress, and it keeps my mental health balanced. In particular, running has been my nemesis for most of my life but I’ve recently fallen in love with it. Thank goodness because it’s served me well in this quarantine!

What podcasts do you like to listen to?

I love a good mix of soul food and random life content. Jay Shetty is my go when I want to feed my brain! The Tablo Podcast always offers fun stories when I need a good break from the day. 

What were you doing before you were the face of Skin MPLS, and how did that help prepare you for this? 

Wow, that seems like so long ago! I’ve worked in a lot of different settings and have a little experience with events, social media, and managing different office spaces. I’d like to think they prepared me with the skills needed to wear so many different hats in this one role as studio manager! They’ve helped me realize that I really love working with people and thrive in environments where I can interact with and help others :).

Be honest, do you find all this skin stuff interesting? 

I’m still beyond fascinated! Skin care can be overwhelming when you love the topic, but what I love about Skin MPLS is how much I’ve learned about ingredients and what different agents do for your skin. Feeling educated empowers me to make smarter decisions on trending items and knowing if they will actually help or hurt my skin goals.

Give us a couple of your guilty pleasures? Junk food? TV shows?

I’ve learned dairy is a trigger for my acne so I’ve cut it out of my diet for the most part. Once in a while I like to sneak parmesan into my pasta and it feels dangerous! Haha. Money Heist on Netflix is a serious obsession of mine! I easily binge an entire season in a day. Sorry to all you Tiger King fanatics out there!

Cassie Fehlen