Get Your Game Face On: Super Skincare

Whether you are a football fan or you’re just happy to have an excuse to eat cheese dip and skip laundry this Sunday, Sunday is the perfect day to take some time to give your skin a little TLC. In honor of the Big Game, take a page out of our anti-aging playbook!

Blitz Free Radicals:

 No matter who you be root for this weekend, we can all agree to root against free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules in the body that have lost an electron. They then attach themselves to healthy molecules that create a chain reaction of damaging the cells. This leads to loss of collagen and other depletions of the skin. Free radicals are caused mostly by UV exposure. The sun is the number one cause of oxidation - also known as aging. 80% of sun exposure comes in the form of day-to-day life; so SPF everyday is non-negotiable! Other factors that cause oxidation (ahem - aging) are stress, poor diet, smoking, drugs, pollution, and pesticides to name a few.


The Best Offense is a Good Defense:

Clearly it’s not possible to avoid free radicals and skin damage altogether. So to protect our skin, our bodies store antioxidants, which is essentially our defensive line. As we age, so do our defenders. And unlike football, we can’t trade them out for younger alternatives. That’s why it’s essential to get more antioxidants!

Vitamin C and E are the biggest source of antioxidants, so eat your fruits and veggies! As far as skincare, many products out there contain oils and extracts that have antioxidant properties. But there is one true MVP in the fight against free radicals: Vivant Skin Care’s Spin Trap. We sell it in our studio!

Spin Trap boasts a combination of the ingredients and how the ingredients are formulated to actually penetrate the skin that bring true results. We’ve scouted all the talent, and can confidently say this is the best antioxidant serum out there. It’s much more than just Vitamin C. It also has Vitamin E to promote moisture repair, lactic acid to gently exfoliate and allow for deeper penetration, and another potent antioxidant called flavonoids that help build collagen. Don’t wait for the Hail Mary! Win the game by never even letting aging score a point. Pick up some Spin Trap at the studio anytime or snag some at your next appointment.

Cassie Fehlen