Face the Reality of Clear Skin

Face Reality Skincare is rooted in Dr. Fulton’s (the founder of Vivant Skincare) revolutionary acne-treating principles. Face Reality offers a clear path to, well, clear skin. On top of that, we love them because their products are affordable. Here's why they differ from anything you’ve tried before that hasn’t worked. 

Face Reality digs into lifestyle 

It will involve changing your lifestyle if you really want to get clear and stay clear. The changes include limiting acne-triggering foods and supplements and switching up some of your cleaning/laundering protocols. This is one thing that separates their results from other lines. Face Reality doesn't offer a band-aid approach but is a way to educate clients on how their lifestyle and life changes can flare up acne.

Face Reality talks about pore-clogging ingredients 

Waxes, fatty esters, oils, and dyes, among others, create a haven for acne to grow. Many product lines include these ingredients because they're cheaper and more accessible than formulating with ingredients that don't clog pores. What clogs one person may not clog others, so finding a product line that doesn’t clog any pores whatsoever is rare and vital for acne-prone skin. Makeup can also be very pore-clogging, so Face Reality experts help you find the right makeup to use as well. 

Face Reality offers several potent acne-fighting ingredients 

Trendy skincare can be all about "miracle" ingredients like plant botanicals, oils, or probiotics. Good old-fashioned exfoliating and antibacterial ingredients like mandelic acid and benzoyl peroxide are still the most researched and proven ingredients. Crazy fads and diets may have some truth and benefit, but treating the pore and killing acne bacteria is vital while trying more holistic/experimental approaches.

Face Reality educates their aestheticians 

To even retail Face Reality products, you must be a certified acne expert, so anyone who recommends and sells FR products has a passion for acne and continuing education. While it's still important to find your perfect fit aesthetician, knowing you are seeing anyone licensed to sell Face Reality is a good start when looking for a skin therapist – so remember this if you even move out of the Minneapolis area and need a new aesthetician.

Face Reality products work 

Sadly, out of the endless amounts of skincare lines, most acne products don't work. That is why so many people feel they have tried anything and everything without results. Face Reality has not only quality actives but also scientifically proven delivery methods.

Their products are straightforward and contain no added ingredients that can throw off the skin's balance and create more breakouts. Another of the many reasons why we love the products is that they're free from dyes, fragrances, and parabens. Face Reality products are streamlined, powerful, and gentle and have many proven results to back them up! 

A consistent regimen with Face Reality products has a very high success rate. That makes it safer and more effective than the dermatologist route. The products are much more affordable than those from high-end beauty store lines.