Can I Get Wedding-Ready Skin in One Month?

Skincare is a long game and we always recommend patience and time to see how things work. But let’s say you want clear and even skin ASAP! Doing these five steps will give you major results in just 30 days or less – because, remember, your skin takes roughly a month to turn over.  

1. Invest in SPF (and apply it!)

If you are getting regular sun exposure or even just mild exposure from day-to-day life, you will bake hyperpigmentation into the skin. A tan may give you a short span of looking “more even" but a tan is a visible sign of sun damage and will push those uneven skin tone spots deeper into your skin making them harder to treat. We recommend SPF daily in your moisturizer and also one in your bag for on-the-go reapplications.

2. Clear your acne ASAP! 

You MUST treat acne first and foremost. Luckily with good active ingredients, you can treat acne, aging, scarring, and pigmentation all together. It is important to make any lifestyle and cosmetic changes that may be triggering acne. If you have active breakouts, ice your skin twice daily and add in a BP 3% Acne Wash to get clear as fast as possible. No exceptions.

3. Add in 2-3 active ingredients 

Active ingredients are ingredients that bring change (typically through exfoliation) to the skin. Toner and serums are the best way to get ingredients into your skin because they seep in well and stay on the skin. Add an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) toner plus one to two exfoliating serums that are recommended by an aesthetician, so you know they will work in your current timeline.

4. Balance that out with hydration 

If you are bumping up your active use, then you will need more hydration to replenish. Think about it like bumping up your water or calorie intake if you are working out more. If your barrier gets temporarily compromised from using too many actives incorrectly, you can keep your budget low and fix your barrier fast by applying Lavender Mask and over-the-counter petroleum jelly to give you the hydration you need fast.

5. Book professional peels  

Peels are a great way to speed up the cell turnover process. New skin is clear, bright, and even. You can safely do semi-aggressive peels with a knowledgeable aesthetician in a professional studio setting – skip the spa! If you can sneak two treatments in a one-month span plus a week to heal before the big day, you will see some great progress!