Why We Extract

This year in our Skin(nie) newsletters, we have focused on what it means to be functional and purposeful with our skincare. The most effective way to get smoother and healthier skin, besides using the right products for your skin and goals (and saying “no” to trendy Sephora products), is to get regular extractions. 

Extractions should be a part of every facial treatment everywhere. However, unfortunately, it is still almost impossible to find an advanced practice aesthetician that performs productive extractions to make a lasting impact on the skin. Extractions are an art form that takes time to finesse and requires a thorough understanding of how pores function. That is why at Skin MPLS, much of our aesthetician training focuses on extracting properly – and practicing on friends and family long before clients. 

The most straightforward analogy is that extractions are like going to the dentist. They are not always enjoyable, but that deep cleaning is important because your toothbrush and floss can’t get in there as the dentist’s tools can! Once your teeth are squeaky clean, your homecare will keep them in check until your next appointment. The same is true of skin, so the products you use at home every morning and night are essential. If your products are causing your pores to clog, then in every facial treatment, you will be experiencing similar extractions. Ideally, your treatments require fewer and fewer extractions over time!   

Here are the telltale signs you aren’t receiving thorough extractions during your facial treatments:

They are using an extractor tool (other than a lancet)

There may be some rare exceptions, but comedone extractors are painful, can damage the skin, and don’t allow a “pore-fessional" to really get in there and feel the skin.

They are mainly just extracting the nose area

On most people, you could spend tons of time digging out sebaceous filaments from nose pores. However, those little clogs are just going to come back. Cleaning out filled pores on the nose is great, but extracting acne lesions and other non-acne-raised lesions creates the ultimate smoothest skin!

The extractions don’t hurt 

Sorry to say, but extractions do not feel good. If your treatment is not uncomfortable in some parts, it is probably more relaxing than effective.

They say they don’t believe in extractions or sell you a product “that will take the place of extractions”

Unfortunately, this means they are probably nervous about performing extractions, so they say they aren’t necessary. And while no one loves a good active more than us, your products will never do the job that trained hands can do.

Your skin looks too good after a facial treatment 

Redness and swelling are promising signs of work done to your skin, just like getting sweaty after a workout. If your skin looks red carpet ready immediately post-treatment, save those types of facials for big events – and leave the dirty work to us!