Best Advice For Teenage Skin

Puberty is awkward and talking about acne can feel embarrassing! But we are here to help. Acne can be a life-long battle (especially for women), so the earlier you can learn – the better. Here we share skin advice that will help both teenagers and parents.

Cassie: I started taking care of my skin in the fifth grade and because I started from such a young age, it’s a habit that I never break. Learn in your pre-teen years the importance of going to bed with a clean face and I don’t think you’ll ever look back with regret.

Pamela: Products should be used to clean, treat, moisturize, and protect skin – not for fun at a sleepover (though we can help you to do both!). If you try several different lotions and masks you will probably break out! Have a regimen and avoid putting anything you don’t know on your skin.

Haley: Develop anti-picking habits from a young age. Learn from others’ mistakes and scars so that you don’t create your own. Picking at pimples rarely goes well and most people regret what they’ve done every single time. A pimple has a pretty short lifespan when treated properly – but the marks of a picked one can last months.

Kalia: Don’t use what your friends are using on their skin because their skin is clearer than yours. Get a professional’s eyes on your skin to have them make a simple regimen tailored to your skin.

Lindsey: It has to be said, make SPF a habit every single day. In addition to treating your acne, you have to protect it from the sun’s rays. When the sun shines on acne lesions, it will leave a mark if they’re not covered with a non-comedogenic SPF.

Bella: Save your trips to the derm for serious skin concerns – I wish I wouldn’t have wasted my time going there for acne. They didn’t even look at my skin and then prescribed me oral medications that didn’t even help. Also, don’t be afraid of exfoliation, just learn how to do it the right way for your skin.