Worst places to go for skincare advice

We know “Minnesota nice” means sometimes clients are scared to ask us questions about their skin. But, if you are sitting on your questions in your treatment because you want to be polite, you are simply not getting the most out of your treatment.

Here are our top five cringiest places people go to for skincare concerns (when they should be coming to us!).  

5.  Your bff

Unless your bff’s advice is “go to my aesthetician”, don’t listen to a word. You may share a similar love for rock climbing or cheese plates, but you don’t have the same skin – and will never use the same products. 

4.  Your dermatologist 

This one may come as a shock. The bottom line is dermatologists are where you go for concerns with skin diseases and infections and aestheticians are experts in skin health and skincare. While acne is a disease of the pores, it’s also a skin type and condition and responds best to a skin coach like us helping you make the changes needed to treat it.  

3. Your hair stylist 

We love our fellow industry folk, but we won’t tell you what shampoo to buy and they shouldn’t offer up their skincare advice. 

2. Celebrities 

Celebrities aren’t using their skincare lines or the ones they are endorsing. They are just slapping their names on it and collecting checks! The only advice to listen to from celebrities is to use skincare and stay out of the sun.

1. The Internet 

There’s simply too much information out there. If the internet worked for clearing acne, no one would have acne. Also, stay strong and avoid targeted Instagram and TikTok products. Treat using the internet for skincare advice like looking in a magnifying mirror – avoid, avoid, avoid!

Aestheticians are not here to sell products, we want to help your skin and, oftentimes, hate “selling” products to a fault. For some reason, people have learned to trust other sources and want to be the expert on their facial treatments and facial routines. The results speak for themselves though when you see the people’s skin who have a deep relationship with their skincare guru.