How to Stop Picking Your Skin

A step-by-step guide you can use to finally kick your worst skin habit.

Dr. Fulton (the pioneer of treating acne) once said everyone picks a little – and you should aim for the low end of the spectrum. A bit of squeezing or popping here and there is nothing to beat yourself up about, but scratching and picking can do irreversible damage to your skin. Also, we all know a giant scab is more noticeable than any blemish. It’s easy to say don’t pick, but take a look at some of our skin-loving steps below to be your skin's best friend – not its worst enemy!

Step 1: Avoid the mirror 

Ever notice texture and blackheads only in specific lighting and mirrors? Instead of going after it, just stand further away and avoid those triggering mirrors. Do this, especially in restaurants, car rearview mirrors, and other unsanitary picking spots! 

Step 2:  Have a good routine that keeps skin clearer and get professional extractions 

The best way to target pimples is at least a 4-step skincare routine morning and night. Exfoliation not only clears out acne-causing dead skin and oil but will also help turnover former picked spots faster. Getting treatments will step up your exfoliation and professional extractions are a great way to keep your hands off! 

Step 3: Thoroughly remove makeup 

Acne-safe makeup is absolutely okay to use every day if you prefer to wear makeup. Just be sure you are thoroughly cleansing and toning (check out Cassie’s guide to cleansing here) to remove all traces of makeup that can clog pores (especially in the hairline, by your ears, your jawline, and also the neck where makeup gets stuck) and may lead to picking. 

Step 4:  Try stress-relieving techniques

We all know the benefits of yoga, exercise, reading, meditation, drinking tea, and trying to slow down in this anxiety-fueled culture. Now try to actually incorporate some of these activities – whether it’s direct or indirect, it will help you pick less. 

Step 5: Add in skin-loving supplements

Did you know that there is a supplement that may actually help you not pick or pick less. It’s called NAC (N Acetyl Cysteine) and it helps your body produce glutathione which is commonly lacking in acne-prone people. On top of that, here is a breakdown of supplements that can help not only your skin but also your health overall. The most commonly recommended supplements from aestheticians are cod liver oil and zinc. Just be sure to find high-quality ones and then always avoid biotin and B12. 

Step 6: Spot treat as needed 

While we prefer treating the skin as a whole, spot treating can certainly help you keep your hands off! The number one best spot treatment is to ice the affected area. Our favorite spot-treating products are benzoyl peroxide medicine for oil-rich skin, sulfur spot treatment for drier skin, and blue LED light therapy for all skin types.