Our Take on Mental Health and Skin Health

Mental health is complex and depression and anxiety are on the rise. There’s a lot going on these days. We overwork, overstimulate, and oftentimes undernourish ourselves. COVID pushed us over the edge and let’s not even get into politics and climate change – and those are just the world’s macro issues. There is so much just going on individually for each of us within our own micro-worlds too. 

With everything going on, talking about skin care can seem trivial – but the way we feel about ourselves can often be directly related to how we see ourselves and our biggest organ, our skin! It’s no surprise that if you are depressed or anxious you will struggle with your skin as well. Here are some simple things you can focus on to help make steps towards a brighter complexion! 

Diagnose the problem

You can’t solve the problem until you recognize there is a problem. This goes for your mental health and your skin. Work towards steps to identify if you are feeling down or anxious and then talk to someone. As far as your skin, we always see the hardest step is that first initial treatment and being open to start with a new regimen. We can blame money, but it’s usually more of a fear of failing that keeps us from diving into a skin program. You need to be ready and you need to be open to seeing the areas in your skin that need improvement. Going in for a skin treatment can feel like going to the dentist. BUT HERE, NO ONE IS JUDGING YOU. Remember that. Most aestheticians got into the field because they also suffered from skin trauma. The hardest part is getting over that mental block and then you will absolutely love the treatments, products, and results that you see. 

Understand how lifestyle choices affect the skin 

Diet, sleep, and medications may alter the skin. The body works as a whole unit so everything has a ripple effect. While it may be hard to identify what specifically impacts your skin/acne, just aim for an overall awareness of what goes in and around your body. While depression and anxiety medications don’t directly cause breakouts they cause changes to mood and hormones which can affect acne. Even boosts in serotonin could cause breakouts. Maybe you have more energy to spend more time out with friends which could mean more makeup wearing and more breakouts. Maybe you are sleeping less which means tired-looking skin and more stress on your body. Skin issues can stem from so many places. Don’t go down a rabbit hole trying to self-diagnose. What is clear is that stress and anxiety lead to poor diet and sleeping as well as picking and lowering ambition to do your regimen.

Enact Change and Stay Healthy

Your mental health is always your first priority. You may not be in the right place to take on a skincare regimen and regular facial treatments. That is ok! We are here to help you when YOU are ready. In the meantime, try your best to do the cliché things (that are cliché for a reason) – adopt positive mantras, eat more fruits and vegetables, get involved with the community, find a virtual therapist, etc. Check out some vitamins and supplements that can lift mood and help clear skin here. Don’t fall victim to advertising and buying skincare products and tools that you don’t know will work. And the number one thing, get outside (while you still can) and sweat. This will relieve tension, burn out toxins, release endorphins, and give your skin a glow. Remember though, always wear a hat and SPF and clean your skin both before and afterward. 

Never be embarrassed about your skin or products when you come through our doors. We have all been there. And if you are dealing with anxiety and have trouble remembering or showing up to your appointments, just let us know so we can work something out! We understand things happen and always want you in our Skin MPLS family. It’s great to be involved with what is going on in the world, but remember you can’t help anyone until you help yourself. A positive self-image is not shallow, it is empowering!