Freaked out by Phthalates?

Here is our un-sciency, but well-researched, breakdown of the questions we had surrounding phthalates. Phthalates have been around for a very long time, but it’s only recently that they’ve been a hot topic. And we think there are definitely some valid concerns. 

Phthalates are found in plastics and fragrance

True. Phthalates are a family of chemicals that serve various purposes. Some make plastics more durable and are used in containers for food and personal care products. Other phthalates extend the smell in fragrance found in candles and personal care products.

All plastic contains phthalates

False. Anyone else perpetually confused by the numbers in the recycling symbol? We broke them down and found 2, 4, and 5 are all phthalate free and less likely to leach phthalates. While 3, 6, and 7 are more likely to leach phthalates into both food and personal care products. Unfortunately, not all products are numbered, but it’s a good start to know which plastics are considered safer so that you can avoid those that are not when choosing skincare and food. 

You can tell if a product contains phthalates by the ingredient label

False. While some products may be labeled “phthalate-free”, it’s not really a sure thing since there is no regulation with this label on personal care products. Also, some products may be phthalate free and not labeled so. There are some phthalate ingredients that may be listed like DHEP or DiBP, but that is rare. Most of the time, you will have no way of knowing if your product contains phthalates.

Websites like Skin Deep (EWG Healthy Living), Detox Me, Clearya are the best guide to buy your products from

False. Every company has its biases – and if you’re going to trust companies like EWG then you should also do some research on the opposing views as well. Our bet, you’ll find that your opinion on the matter most likely falls somewhere in the middle – which is exactly the answer that science and critical thinking leads us to. EWG tends to lead with fear-mongering, which is never something we’re fans of here.

Phthalates are linked to low sperm counts in men and infertility in women

True. Phthalates are mostly concerning due to the fact they disrupt hormones. Research is now showing that they might create problems for reproductive organs like causing endometriosis in women and low sperm counts in men. 

Phthalates are easy to avoid

False. They are coined, “the everywhere chemical” for a reason and are found in every person's urine they test. They are literally everywhere, but before you totally panic, they are only going to be dangerous in high doses or potentially for those with compromised health. There are several easy switches in your life to help safeguard you against unnecessary phthalate exposure. Check out our best tips here. 

Some phthalates are banned in products for young children

True. Phthalates are a family, and like most families, some members are better than others. There have been phthalates specifically linked to harmful effects that have been banned from children's toys and teethers. They’ve been replaced with “safer” phthalates. Although, it’s hard to know what long-term effects those might have at this point. 

You can help your body filter through phthalates by making healthy diet choices

True. Before you start freaking out about your face wash, realize that the biggest way people take in phthalates is through their food. This can range from containers with the 3,6, and 7, fast food, processed foods, and microwaving unsafe plastics. On top of that, eating poorly will make it harder for your body to filter out those phthalates in your urine. Fuel your body with fruits, vegetables, and antioxidants and you will be better equipped to manage phthalates. 

Here Are Our Favorite Phthalate-Free Switches You Can Make! 

Why unnecessarily expose yourself to excess phthalates when there are easy swaps you can make in your life to avoid them? Plus, big bonus, all of these changes are also acne-safe!

Swap dryer sheets and fabric softener for wool dryer balls. We get ours locally at The Zeroish Co!

Replace scented candles for a combo of fresh flowers (Trader Joe’s always has affordable bouquets) for the aroma and Everlasting Candles (these quickly became a team favorite after Amanda introduced them to us all) for the ambiance.

Dump your current shower body products for locally-created Gingerly by The Glow Lounge. Obsession doesn’t even start to cover how we feel about this shower gel and body créme. (Tiny note that the cream is not acne-safe, so skip that on any acne-prone body parts like your chest or back – but have a full body party with the shower gel!).

Stop fast food and processed food as much as you can and replace them with fresh options. 

Switch your restaurant takeaway storage container (if it’s a plastic 3, 6, or 7) for a glass container once you get home for safer food storage. And never microwave your food in 3, 6, or 7 plastic containers!

There are many other lifestyle changes you can make as well, but the objective should be to try to avoid – not be paranoid about everything! 

We’re proud to give the following info about phthalates for the main product lines that we carry at Skin MPLS:

Vivant: All Vivant product packaging is phthalate-free. Some of their products do contain very high-quality USP-grade fragrance ingredients. The majority of the line is fragrance-free and all new products to come in the future will always be fragrance-free.

Arcona: Many Arcona products do have fragrance, but they are created with aromatic chemicals derived solely from natural botanical sources and pure plant-based essential oils and are always free of common irritants and phthalates

Le Mieux: All Le Mieux products are fragrance-free and several products are in phthalate-free packaging.

Face Reality: All Face Reality products are fragrance-free and most come in phthalate-free packaging

Dr. Esthé: All Dr. Esthé products are fragrance-free most come in phthalate-free packaging