The Golden Rules of Tanning

With spring break around the corner, we know you are all looking for a little color before you flee this Minnesota weather. Since there is no chance you are frequenting a tanning bed (RIGHT?!), here is our guide to all things fake tanning. Whether you need acne-safe resources or just don’t want to be orange and streaky, we’ve got you covered with these products, tips, tricks, and our pick for where to get the best spray tan in the Twin Cities – and how to make it last!

First, Our Favorite (and Acne-Safe) Self-Tanning Products:


  • Tan-Luxe Face Illuminating Self Tan Drops 

  • Go Glow Touch up Tanner 


  • St. Tropez Bronzing Mousse

  • Fake Bake Flawless Self-Tanning Liquid

But Also, Have You Tried Body Makeup? 

There can be some downsides to self-tanner. Unless you are a real pro, you often end up streaky, blotchy, and staining your clothes and sheets. So skin genius Cassie has switched to body makeup and absolutely loves it. It is gorgeous, easy to use, streak-free, transfer-resistant, and won’t interfere with your skincare regimen. Just apply it to your arms, legs, and any other areas. For the face just bronze it up with makeup. This will give you a more natural, healthy glow and camouflage any scars and bruises! Here are her favorites:

  • Sally Hanson Airbursh Legs – Acne-safe, $11

  • Vita Liberta Body Blur – Acne-friendly but not recommend for active body acne, $39

Avoid This Major Self-Tanning Pore-Clogging Product!

Isle of Paradise Self-Tanning Drops – Isle of Paradise contains coconut oil which is highly problematic (5 out of 5 on the pore-clogging scale).

*If you are breaking out and not sure why it is so important to look at EVERYTHING you put on your face including makeup at self-tanner. Check out acne-safe makeups here, and if you have specific tanners you want your esti to look at, reach out to your aesthetician to have us check into the ingredients.

Our Pick for Best Professional Spray Tan!

We love The Glow Lounge! It is a locally owned airbrush tanning studio started by fair skinned Mollie, who always wanted to safely tan. She bought her first airbrush machine in her mid 20’s. Her skin (and all of us) are really grateful! The glow lounge is perfect for beginners to experts! It is sure to give you the most customized, natural and long lasting tan you ever have had! It may be a little more expensive but when opting for a special event or vacation you will be glad you spent the money to do it right!

And how to make it last!

Exfoliate your body well before the tan for several days/weeks to help get the most out of it. Don’t put lotion on right before, but make sure your body is smooth and hydrated for flawless application. Follow up with lots of their recommended body moisturizer or what lotions you have at home as long as it fits their criteria. As far as facial care we’ve got you covered. Read below. You’ll notice their tans don’t get streaky and patchy. They fade just as a natural tan would!

To Face or Not to Face?

Clients are often asking whether they should spray tan their face. While we don’t so much worry the ingredients in the spray tan itself will break you out, it’s important to remember that to get the most out of your tan, you will not be able to use your skincare products. Any physical exfoliants, vitamin A, AHA/BHAs, or other active ingredients will compromise your tan. We don’t know about you, but going a week without our serums sounds depressing! You are not alone if you ask the technician spraying you to avoid your face. Cassie usually skips her face and instead opts to have them ombré up her neck to help blend or even just spray the sides of her face to give a little bit of color. We promise with a little well-placed bronzer, you will look even (and your face will not be a noticeably different shade than your face) – and that way your usual makeup shade will still match!

If you do opt to have your face spray-tanned, only use your gentle cleanser, hydrating serums, lightweight moisturizer, and SPF to help best maintain the bronze.