Bad Moon on The Rise?

Could the lunar cycles be determining your good and bad skin days? Here’s what we think! 

Ever notice things getting weird around the full moon? Just ask teachers, nurses, and restaurant servers what their least favorite day to go to work is. Full moons bring out the inner weirdos in all of us, but could they also bring out the inner acne in our skin? Can we blame the moon for our new breakout or is that just bad science? 

We checked in with our in-house mystic Amanda to learn more! Mixing her moon knowledge with some skin science is surely a winning combo!

How could the phases of the moon possibly affect our skin? Well, first let’s talk about why they would affect our behavior. As the moon changes, gravity changes along with it, causing rising and falling in the oceans’ tides. Since we, ourselves, are made up mostly of water, it does make sense that if the moon impacts the ocean it could impact our own ebb and flow. Also, the moon affects the earth's magnetic field. Considering we are just balls of energy ourselves, it isn’t far out to think the moon cycles could shift our own energy. 

So, could the phases of the moon be responsible for acne? Indirectly, maybe yes. We all go through cycles. There are times when we are happy, healthy, and just really succeeding. Then comes a cycle of negativity, self-doubt, and poor lifestyle choices. These cycles will absolutely show in your skin. Could these cycles of erratic behavior stem from the magnetic field changes the moon is causing? According to our mystic source, it is best to start new things when there is a new moon and wrap things up when there is an old moon. Use this as a guideline to help create positive changes! 

Women have an added “bonus” of hormonal cycles that impact everything from our energy levels to our gut health. Hormonal changes are the number one trigger for acne-prone people and, unfortunately, hit women our whole lives. Could our cycles be tied to the moon cycles? Again, our mystic Amanda says it’s possible. She even sees her periods align with the full moon. If you have become out of touch with when you get your period or it is irregular due to genetics or certain prescriptions, it might be nice to take some time to align with your own inner-sister moon to see if it is affecting your skin. 

So what’s the skinnie on moon+skin science? There’s usually at least a little truth in everything. And we are all for blaming the occasional bad day and bad breakout on Mercury in retrograde! But take it as a sign to get on board with positive changes and a better regimen to turn things around.

At Skin MPLS we may not be able to read your tarot cards, but we can give you a positive prediction towards clear skin! 

LIFESTYLECassie Fehlen