Don’t Fail at Acne 101

There is no better environment to foster minds and acne than college. College and graduate programs can be an experience full of uncertainties. What will I do when I graduate? Did I pick the right path? Will I get along with my roommates? You get the idea, but the one question that keeps us at Skin MPLS pulling all-nighters is “how can we keep people clear in college?” 

It’s pretty frustrating when you're passing Advanced Calc but failing Acne 101. While acne is a malfunction of your pores (and not your fault) there are some big triggers that go hand-in-hand with advanced education. 

Before you start scouring the internet for someone to pass this class for you, take a second to reflect on some basic but crucial advice from our in-house acneologists on managing some of the most common college-associated skin hardships. 

Budget. It’s probably a safe bet that if you are working on your degree at any level, you are on somewhat of a limited income and skincare may seem like a luxury you can’t afford. Well, think again. A minimal, but well-balanced regimen, for healthy, clear skin is a 4-step regimen of professional products. The “professional product” part is very important and it needs to be recommended by a professional that you trust. We have done the math and the rough cost for your skincare lineup, using it twice a day, would be less than $2 a day. So if you drive through Starbucks a couple of times a week before class, you are spending more on a caffeine buzz than clear skin. Okay, okay, we know caffeine is important too and are actually afraid to ask if it takes precedence over your skin -- but the point is, with very basic budgeting allocation, you really can afford healthy skin. 

We too often see people coming in for treatments without being ready to spend money on products. This is backwards and won’t get your skin clear. Treatments are only about 15-20% of the results (and that is if you can come in regularly). To make clear skin more obtainable, we graciously offer our help and advice complimentary to anyone who asks. So if money is tight, before you book a treatment -- reach out to us via email or set up a consultation or a product reboot (in person or virtually), to make sure you are on the right products. This will give you the most for your money if you can’t afford a treatment too. And while you may be tempted to go to the dermatologist and send the bill to your parents, we specialize in giving you the education to manage your skin for the rest of your life (hello anti-aging), plus many HSAs even cover our treatments and products! 

Stress. When we talk about acne triggers, stress really is the most confusing -- and well, stressful one! Everyone is stressed and everyone has times of more intense pressure/change that manifests as stress. So why doesn’t stress give everyone acne? You release cortisol when you are stressed which creates more oil production. If you are acne-prone, this oil production will clog your pores since your pores already do not function properly. When it becomes a real issue is when you are chronically stressed. Usually, people who are chronically stressed feel anxious, nervous, or even manic which will put your pores in a constant state of chaos as well. Also, stress may lead to prescription medications or self-medicating which may also affect your skin. We’ve all seen the tv show where the heroine gets a big pimple right before a first date, and there is science to back that up. That will happen to anyone and isn’t cause for real concern outside of a Dawson’s Creek episode. But if your life feels hectic 24/7, that is not a sustainable way to live and usually affects your ability to make your appointment and do your skincare routine. We are always here to listen and be your skin therapists, so don’t be afraid to give us the lowdown on what may really be keeping you from clear skin. And as cliche as it sounds, let your routine of masking Sunday be your zen moment to reboot and relax. College is the most common time to let your self-care go, so try your best to not let that happen and your body will thank you! 

Hygiene. True or False? Acne is caused by skin being dirty. Absolutely, false and we thank Dr. Fulton (the world’s first acneologist) for clearing that myth up years ago along with others like chocolate or greasy hair breaking you out. So what is popping those pimples up? A perfect combination of oil, dead skin, and acne bacteria. Unhygienic environments like unwashed sheets, towels, pillowcases, makeup brushes, and now add face masks to the list, WILL foster more acne though. And when it comes to body acne, tight and sweaty clothes are problematic as well. Keeping it sanitary in college (especially in a dorm) can be tricky but set reminders on your phone to clean all those things we mentioned above once a week, at least. Also, don’t use the same face towel more than once or twice. Similarly, remember to avoid our definition of dirty (AKA pore clogging) products and makeup which also includes fabric softener and dryer sheets.

While dirty pillowcases and tomorrow's exam are unlikely to be the only reason you are breaking out, working on managing these are just more things you can check off your list of being a good acne student. If you try a little harder to keep your skincare tight in college, you will save money in the long run, sleep better, and feel more confident in your skin. You are not alone, ance does not get outgrown after high school and many people don’t really suffer from it until their early 20’s. 

Stop thinking a skincare regimen is a luxury you can’t afford and stop adding to your pile of stress by not addressing your zits. Reach out to experts who have been there and are eager to help you and spread the good word!