Get To Know SKIN MPLS: Meet Hailey and Shelby!

We have introduced you to many client-turned-employees in the last couple of years. These next two win the award for longest-running since they followed Cassie from her previous Aesthetician job. (Hard to believe that Cassie had a life before Skin MPLS!) As our schedule hours and skincare demands have increased, we’ve added more part-time staff to the front desk to help out Amanda -- and we are super excited to announce the Ciardelli sisters!

These two sisters are quite different, but do have one BIG thing in common -- they share an obsession with skincare. As any great client, they put their trust fully in their Aesthetician’s hands. Now after about 10 years, they are reaping the rewards of a glowing complexion that adds a perfect addition to our friendly and hardworking staff. Bonus! They just so happen to know firsthand all about our products and services. Get to know Hailey and Shelby!

How did you find out about Cassie?

Hailey: Our cousin Abby used to work with Cassie years ago and always had the BEST brows. Naturally, we needed to up our brow game too!

Shelby: Cassie started doing my brows when I was in middle school! We found her through our cousin Abby and never looked back!

We are super excited about your new part-time gig, tell us about your day job?

Hailey: I work in sales for a global food company and spend most of my time on coffee creamers. We’ve officially entered Pumpkin Spice season!

Shelby: I am a recruiting manager for a large staffing company and mainly work within the clinical research sector!

Are you into astrology? If so, what’s your sign?

Hailey: Virgo

Shelby: I am, and I’m a Gemini!

Tell us about your spirit animal?

Hailey: Probably a dog... loyal, love to lounge in the sun and motivated by treats, ha!

Shelby: Does Miley Cyrus count?! The Gemini in me will always love the best of both worlds!

Are you a social butterfly or a homebody?

Hailey: I thrive with a good mix of both. Lately, I’m spending a lot of time at home hanging with my doodle Frankie.

Shelby: I need a bit of both, I love to travel and tend to stay pretty busy out of the house! That being said, I love a Friday night at home indulging in a Real Housewives or Kardashian’s marathon!

Have you tried any new Skin MPLS products lately? And what are your faves you can’t live without?

Hailey: Most recently I tried out Pure C&E Serum and I am loving it. I love all things Vivant and you can find a lot of their products in my AM and PM routine.

Shelby: Vivant is my go-to! I’ve recently started using the BP 10% Gel Medication and I’m obsessed!! Supergoop Glow Screen has also become an essential part of my morning routine!

ABOUT USCassie Fehlen