It's hard to believe that a year ago we had a closed studio due to COVID-19, and now we once again have full books – and even more demand than we can handle. Your love for us and what we do drives us daily, and we thank you for continuing to trust us and our expertise with your skin. 

Our hearts and our treatment rooms are full. So, with that – drumroll please... 

We are thrilled to announce another member of our team – aesthetician and acne expert, Kaila!

Continuing the tradition of clients-turned-employees, Kaila (who already into her aesthetics career at that time) saw Cassie five years ago to clear her skin. In no time flat, she was clear and has been on a mission ever since to treat acne and coach others on how to love their skin. She has many years of experience in the field, but she’s so passionate about the way we treat skin she has been referring clients to Skin MPLS and Vivant for some time. 

Her start with us is serendipitous, she found herself at a crossroads in her career – and we just happened to be at the same intersection! Keep reading to get to know Kaila, in and out of the studio. 

First, the dreaded… "Tell us about yourself"

Everyone’s favorite question, haha :) I grew up in a smallish town and am happy to be living in the cities now. I live with my husband and our sweet yellow lab Henry, who’s treated much more like a human than a dog. In my free time, I love to be curled up on the couch with a good book and some tea or in the kitchen cooking or baking.

When did you decide you wanted to be an aesthetician? 

About 6 years ago. I had struggled with acne for so long and been in and out of dermatologist offices, I knew there had to be a better way, so I decided to get my esthetic license – and was introduced to a whole new world and way to clear skin.

What do you do to take care of yourself after a long day of taking care of others? 

I love taking Epsom salt baths and snuggling up to read before getting a good night's sleep.

What are a couple of your favorite Vivant products?

Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Exfoliating Cleanser, Exfol-A, and both Mandelic Acid Serums (8% and 15%).

What skin goals do you want to achieve? 

Helping people become more educated about the products they are using, especially when it comes to combating acne. I know the emotional toll acne can take, so I want to give people the education and resources to use the right products for their skin concerns. 

What is one of the best pieces of advice you have been given professionally? 

To never stop learning and always be curious. I’ve heard this from multiple people I admire and have found it’s true. You never know everything and there’s always more to learn. 

What is one of the best pieces of advice you have been given personally? 

Sounds so cliche, but “life is short.” Make sure you’re doing things that make you happy.