Vampire Skin is IN: Daylight Savings Edition

The days are getting shorter and we’re simply not seeing as much sunlight this time of year. With the weather turning colder, we spend most of our time indoors. Especially after Halloween, it can be easy to feel a little like a vampire!

Ever wonder why vampires have such impeccable skin? Well, it might be a dramatic example, but staying out of the sun is one of the best ways to keep your skin healthy and happy. Even with SPF usage, moderate sunrays can still penetrate the skin and eventually cause hyperpigmentation. The darkening of the skin is due to special cells in your skin, called melanocytes, releasing melanin when exposed to UV rays. The melanin actually protects against UV damage, but as they slough to the surface, dark spots and uneven skin tone become visible. Truthfully, tanned skin is really just sun damage that becomes visible. So, embrace this time of year and take advantage of low sun exposure.

Of course, we know it’s impossible to avoid UV ray exposure completely. And usually after some fun-in-the-sun, you are more likely to notice some sun pigmentation or uneven skin tone. But the great news is we can treat hyperpigmentation! Ironically enough, the active ingredients we use to lift and slough off hyperpigmentation can make you more sensitive to the sun. So, when UV rays are lower and the days are shorter, it’s the perfect time to begin targeting those dark spots. This is why we refer to fall as “Peel Season”. Now is the optimal time to treat melasma and hyperpigmentation. Simply ask your aesthetician about chemical peels and home care that will give you the best results.


What is a chemical peel?

Chemical peels use topical acid exfoliants to soften the dead skin layer and exfoliate it away. Stimulating cell turnover helps to restore the skin to a healthier, fresher appearance and sparks collagen production. Many skin conditions can be improved when receiving a series of peels. Sun damaged and hyperpigmented skin will even out, fine lines will be softened, dull skin will appear more radiant, rough or uneven skin will become smoother… and acne scarring will be softened!


What to expect from a peel? 

At Skin MPLS, we have dozens of different types of peels that vary in strength. It’s important for us to know the specifics of your skin. Some clients are skeptical of peels. Most everyone has seen that one episode of Sex and the City where Samantha looks like she has the world’s worst sunburn after getting a chemical peel. Yes, peels are called “peels” that because they literally remove layers of the skin. But that red, raw feeling is now an urban legend. There have been many, many advancements in skincare over the last couple of decades. We’ve come a long way since the 90’s! 

You can expect a nice glow the day after a peel. Then, you’ll usually transition from no flaking to slight flaking the following day. We start slow and gradually increase the strength of your peel to acclimate your skin and meet your goals. And for you “pros” that have already been peeling for years, we can level-up to our ProPeel for some dramatic results.


What should I do at home to better results?

If you’ve been with us as a client, you are likely already on a beautifully balanced routine of actives and hydrating products. If you feel like you could kick it up a notch or two, now is the perfect time to bump up the strength of your vitamin A serum or add in an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) for the morning and/or evening routines. If sun damage or melasma is your main concern, the late fall and winter is when we recommend the most effective ingredient for stubborn dark spots: hydroquinone!


What is Hydroquinone? 

Hydroquinone is a pigment-lightening agent. It inhibits melanin production and can even decrease the total number of melanocytes in your skin. It’s best for lighter skin tones that are already used to active ingredients and used in shorter spurts, just 3 to 6 months at a time. Just like any medicine, it can cause sensitivities and there can be some side effects. It’s essential to work with a licensed professional if this ingredient it right for you! Vivant’s Bleaching Cream and Bleaching Serum Forte are the best non-prescription options around. They combine hydroquinone, vitamin A, and AHAs to completely combat hyperpigmentation. 


Do I still need SPF in the wintertime? 

Simply put - yes! Even though you might not be able to see or feel it, the sun is always there. It’s true you may be able to get by on a lower SPF or a lightweight SPF/moisturizer combination, but that’s the only slacking we’ll allow. Now-a-days SPF is easy and there’s no reason not to wear it. Also, UV rays are found indoors, they come through windows and even fluorescent lighting and our phones/computers give off small amounts of harmful rays. A good SPF will also protect against other environmental damage, like our harsh winters. SPF in makeup is great, but it’s not enough unless you really cake it on extra thick. If you are serious about diminishing spots for good, then keep your SPF on hand all year long and all day long!

Lastly, the lack of sun has us all daydreaming about vacation. If you are planning to escape for a tropical vacation in the near future, let us know so we can adjust your treatment plan accordingly.

Cassie Fehlen