Get to know Bella…

How do you connect with clients?

I genuinely care about every one of my clients and love to hear about what goes on in their own lives. From hearing about their jobs, trips, family – or anything and everything! Surprisingly, the more I know what is happening in their personal life, the more I can better understand and help with their skin!

It takes a lot of trust for clients with skin insecurities to open up; how do you help new clients feel comfortable?

As someone who has personally experienced the challenges of dealing with acne and the toll it can take on mental well-being, I understand firsthand the importance of creating a safe and welcoming space for clients with skin insecurities. By sharing my journey, I aim to reassure clients that they're not alone in their struggles and that I'm here to support them every step of the way. I also encourage clients to open up about their own concerns to begin their journey towards healthier, happier skin.

Describe your philosophy on helping clients create healthy skin.

My philosophy on helping clients create healthy skin centers heavily on education. What I do in the treatment room and what I tell you to do at home only go so far. But by you understanding your skin and having more knowledge about what's going on, you can better treat and care for your own skin. 

As an acne expert, what is the most critical aspect of treating acne for you?

Homecare, Homecare, Homecare!

I always say homecare is 80% and treatments are 20%. You could come in every month and do every treatment out there, but if you aren't using the right products at home and using it consistently, you just won't get the results you are looking for.

What makes treating acne difficult?

Treating acne can be a real challenge because every skin type is unique; what works for one person might not work for another. The complexity lies in the fact that acne can have various causes and triggers, from hormones and genetics to lifestyle factors. This means there's no one-size-fits-all solution.

What’s the most common skin misstep you see clients make?

One of the most common skin missteps I see clients make is falling for trends without considering whether they're actually beneficial for their skin. It's like just seeing a new "miracle" ingredient or a trendy skincare routine on social media – and they're ready to jump on the bandwagon without a second thought. The problem with mindlessly following trends is that what works for one person might not work for another. After trying that new fad, your friend's glowing skin might not necessarily mean it will work wonders for you, too. Plus, most trends can do more harm than good, especially if they're not backed by science or tailored to your skin concerns.

Which skincare step are you most passionate about? (and why)

The skincare step I'm most passionate about is using a correcting serum, particularly Vivant's Exfol-A formulation, which has been my trusted go-to for over a decade. Its efficacy and consistency in delivering results is like no other!

If you weren’t an aesthetician, what would you be doing?

If I wasn't treating skin, I'd totally be a therapist! I'm all about connecting with people and making them feel good inside and out. Being able to help people feel their best, whether through a facial treatment and helping them with their skin – or a heartfelt conversation. Psychology is also just sooo interesting to me!