Crazy for Kaila!

Kaila is the resident wellness influencer of Skin MPLS. Whether she likes it or even knows it – we all follow suit when it comes to what she eats, reads, and puts on her face. It's no wonder ClearStem is flying off the shelves after Kaila tested it on herself for years, and then we finally brought it into the studio. She is not pushy in the least bit, so why do we all start to take note of everything she does? There is just something about Kaila – she's effortless and well-studied. And she is always more interested in talking about you than herself, so we thought we would share some things you might not know. These are just some snapshots of what makes us personally and professionally crazy for Kaila.  

She is well-read. While she reads fiction for fun here and there, you will mostly find her in some sort of skincare, wellness, or motherhood book or podcast. Her favorites are "Beyond The Pill" by Jolene Brighten, "Women Code" by Alisa Vitti, and “Hunt, Gather, Parent” by Michaeleen Doucleff. Unsurprisingly, she has many of our answers to skin and health questions, so don't be shy to ask her! If you also believe acne is systemic and inflammation-related, Kaila is an excellent match. However, treating acne is not just about the health component for her.

"You can do all the right things, but without quality products or accidentally using pore cloggers – you won't get anywhere. What you do topically is as important as internally." So next time you want to skip washing your face because you are doing all the other "healthiest" things, Kalia will not approve. But, Kaila being Kaila, she will never judge and will just encourage you to get the right products on your face. We’ve posted her routine at the end of this, and it is relatively simple – so feel free to copy it!

Since Kalia has a self-described "spicy" toddler at home and one on the way, she does what she needs to get results without pushing herself with too many steps, masks, and devices. Of course, her current routine is all pregnancy-safe right now as well! 

So, how did Kaila stumble upon Skin MPLS? "Being an aesthetician blends some of my favorite things like wellness, beauty, and helping people. Also, I struggled with acne and did Accutane. I wish I hadn't, but I can't regret it because it led me here! After working in the industry for some time, I could never fully support any of the product lines I was supposed to retail, so after trying treatments from Cassie at Skin MPLS, I was obsessed with working there." 

When Kaila started at Skin MPLS, she was still wrapping up her other aesthetician job. She couldn't leave her team and clients high and dry, so she worked both jobs until she could fully phase out there and join our team. It wasn't until after a few weeks that we found out she was pregnant (and nauseous) the whole time! We didn't know it then, but that is more insight into who she is. Kaila is the first to show up and the last to complain. She works hard and always brings everything she has. She still has those original clients she treated in those first few weeks at Skin MPLS and several that have followed her from previous spas for years.

What do we want you to take away from this? Don't be afraid to ask Kaila questions. She loves health, and your skin is a picture of your health. While health, like skin, is never one-size-fits-all, her favorite tips are avoiding sugar, empty carbs, and non organic dairy but don’t restrict yourself all the time – you have to live. Balance your blood sugar by eating protein, fat, carb, and fiber at your meals. She doesn't push tons of supplements, but she does like cod liver oil, magnesium (Epsom salt baths), and vitamin D (supplemented and natural), and she's always hiding beef liver in her family's meals. She is extra passionate about nutrition for women trying to get pregnant, who are pregnant, and postpartum.  

With her crunchy vibe, you would think she is anti-Botox – but that isn't the case. She has never tried it personally and doesn't feel she needs it yet – but she is not opposed. For now, she works hard on her regimen every day, twice a day, and gets regular micro-channeling and needling treatments when she's not pregnant. She also loves Priia Cosmetics for acne-safe makeup options. Between working, mom-ing, and grooming, there isn't much free time – but when there is, she loves to eat some dark chocolate and watch Selling Sunset. Proof she is a mere mortal like us! 

Readers of this should appreciate her straight-to-the-point skincare routine. And for those of you who see Kaila regularly, because of her laid-back attitude – you may have to ask her for more recommendations and information when you want more. She's packed with both, but she never wants to overwhelm or inundate you.

Copy Kaila’s routine below, all the cool girls at the studio are doing it! 


Barrier Balance Creamy Cleanser

Sal-C Toner 

Clearity Serum

Eye & Lip Cream

Dual Barrier Lotion

TiZO or Image Tinted SPF50


Antioxidant Scrub Exfoliating Cleanser

Sal-C Toner 

Clearity Serum

Even Tone Serum 

Interfuse Eye Treatment Cream 

Hydraglow Moisturizer 

Cassie Fehlen